SEO | Top 5 Link Building Methods

Top 5 Link Building Methods
Building back-links to one's blog or website are crucial for SEO purpose but the things are changed by the time and way of building back-links is no more a "just drop your link anywhere on the internet" game. The golden days are gone long back. Search engines have become more intelligent with their continuous algorithm updates. This time you need to follow some rules and guidelines led by search engines. Here I am listing top 5 Link Building Methods to help you get started with your link building process.

1) Article Marketing

In Article Marketing, we write articles related to our blogging niche and submit them to article directories which allow us to link back to our own blog from our "Author Bio". Article Marketing is one of the most effective methods for link building but in article marketing, what matters is "Quality" rather than "Quantity". People who don't know how to do article marketing effectively, only give importance to garner links by any means which do not work 100%, at least for the long term. People use Article Rewriter/Spinner Software to produce several articles from the single article in one go and submit them to article directories to generate loads of links to their websites. But you know what, you get several penalties from major search engines for your website and all those directories which house these spam articles. So be with Quality and submit your articles only to reputed Articles Directories like iSnare, Technorati, Go Articles, EzineArticles, Article Dashboard etc.

2) Social Networking

By social networking, we mean creating profiles on Social Networking sites like as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so on. By creating some profiles and linking back to your blog will increase search engine visibility plus these profiles do have high page ranks in no time. Do not miss this option.

3) Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is becoming more popular day by day and you can see mostly on every blog in your reading list, is accepting blog posts from guests. What does it Guest Blogging means is that a blog author like you will allow other people to write an article on your blog and in consideration, you will allow a link back to the blog of article writer. The benefit of guest blogging is to get high-quality backlinks and recognition. Readers of the blog you write the guest post on will visit your blog and you will get more targeted audience. But again what matters is Quality. Before starting guest blogging, fill your blog with rich content and then you are on the way.

4) Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is what most of the people do, but we got a better way to do it. Most of the blogs use the no-follow tag for links in comments but still there are a lot of blogs with the commentLuv system of commenting and it works. That does not mean you do not have to comment on no-follow blogs, but no-follow links will bring no page rank juice. Still it is useful because relevancy is the key. I would comment on relevant blogs to my niche with no-follow tag rather than commenting on the non-relevant blog which uses commentLuv system. So always find relevant blogs to comment on.

5) Creating Viral Content

Final Golden Tip is to create viral content and reap the juice for a long time to come. Content which goes viral, always get loads of high-quality backlinks from several blogs on your niche and you get introduced to a massive targeted audience. Creating viral content is not as easy as hard but it is a combination of Creativity and Solid Knowledge of your blogging niche.
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Update: We Just Missed Another Good Method!

6) Joining Forums Related To Your Blog Niche

Forums are great for link building, but it requires you to post useful stuff which is helpful for other forum members. Always use your links in your signature and do not drop your link or promote your blog in posts. Otherwise, your account will be banned. Be active in forums and build your credibility by helping other people. Engage yourself as much as you can then you will start receiving a good amount of targeted traffic too.

Conclusion: The methods above are based on solid grounds and proven by the time. Building quality backlinks will help you in good SEO so stick to it and never spread yourself thin, just stick with one or two methods and work hard until you see the results. After that move on to next. We hope these methods will help you and you liked this post. You can subscribe to free updates on future posts. We do not spam and only publish maximum 4 articles a week. Show your love and take a minute to share :) Stay Safe and Happy Blogging!!

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