8 Blogging Habits of Successful Bloggers

When we say blogging, what kind of picture does it create in your mind? Making money out of it? or sharing your knowledge with other people? Well mostly these are the two main reasons behind of people start blogging. But only a few of the category "Making Money Out of It" get closer to success and almost all of the category "Sharing Your Knowledge With Others" get success. So why is it? What are the phenomena behind it? This is simply because the people who want to share their knowledge with other people are willing to help others with their writing skills and knowledge. So they possess some Qualities or Habits which make them stand out of the crowd. They are writing for themselves and ultimately end up writing for everyone while other who start blogging with very intention of making money, write for search engines, use rewrite software to produce several articles and doing plagiarism intentionally. They lack "Quality" and no one visits your blog without any reason. A visitor comes to your blog for a reason and if it isn't fulfilled, he will never come back again so would you?
8 Blogging Habits of Successful Bloggers
1) Writing, Writing, And Writing
Do you think we have another option? :) The more you write, more you efficient be. While practicing this, you will come to know and explore a number of things required in your writing which make your readers read every single line of your article. You will have a unique style in your writing which will help your articles go viral and creating die heart fans for you. And this is the only way to "Regularly Update" our blogs.
2) Being A Learner
A blogger always remains in a never ending "LEARNING CURVE". You can never be the one who knows everything about your blogging niche/subject because we live in the ever-changing world. Do not forget the very basic rule of "UNIVERSE" which is Change. Keep yourself Updated with the latest news about your blogging niche and let yourself be the first to tell your readers about it.
3) Building Relationships
Building relationships with other bloggers in your blogging niche will bring up new opportunities for you. You can get a lot of help from experienced bloggers and It gives you the chance to get exposed to the new audience as sooner or later, they will link back to you from their blog.
4) Building Backlinks
Always have a habit of building backlinks for every new blog post you publish. At least five backlinks should be made and you can simply do it via commenting on related blogs in relevant posts.
Must Read Articles:
7 Things To Do After Publishing Your New Blog Post
7 Things To Do After Publishing Your New Blog Post
5) Editing Older Posts
As we keep writing, after a few time we will be having a lot of random posts in our archives. Some of them would still be performing well and some of them are dead. So you are losing the potential of having those older posts go viral again. But how? This is possible via editing them again. Just search for the updated content and add it to them. Now pick some related posts say 3 to 5 and interlink them all making a series out of them. Isn't it cool? :)
6) Setting Goals To Achieve
It helps a lot in every field of life. If you want to achieve a BIG goal, just break it down into small parts means DAILY goals to achieve. This way you would not get distracted easily. The best way to do it is giving an award to yourself after achievement of the Goal. The award may be as stupid as you like. :)
7) Involving in Communities
There are several communities out there for each and every niche possible so find out some communities relevant to your blog and spend some time out there to help people by understanding what they want/need and then providing the solution via your writing. This way you get tons of ideas for new blog posts which your audience is in need of.
8) Patience
In the early days of blogging life, it seems like we are talking to our-self. No comment, no appraisal, no like and no share of our posts is what we get. No matter how good it is or how hard work we put into it. This is the common reason of "Giving Up" but the one who keeps patience make it possible and the others start blaming that blogging does not work and we can not make living out of it. You will do a lot of mistakes but keep learning, testing and exploring new ways. Ultimately you will make a stand out of thousands of bloggers who started with you but could not succeed because they had "No Patience".
These are not the hard and fast rules and rules are made to be broken. Make your own set of rules, follow them, break them, remake them and re-follow. This process goes on. I would love to join the conversation in comments if you would like to :). Stay blessed!