The Beautiful Floor Mosaics of Venice
Sightseeing around Venice generally involves sticking your nose up in the air marveling at historic buildings and sprawling vistas, but that�s only half the show. The other half lies underneath your feet. Few tourists and even Venetians have paid any attention to the city�s amazing mosaic floors despite walking over them every day. So when German photographer Sebastian Erras was in Venice, he turned his camera down and captured these beautiful yet unappreciated work of art.
Sebastian discovered that floors can be beautiful too when he was visiting Marrakech, in Morocco, a few months ago. When he went back to Paris, where he lives, he started seeking out floors. �I had no idea there was such a variety of floors in Paris. It�s like a treasure hunt.� He then went to Venice and did the same there for an interactive article on website Pixartprinting.