Promote Blog Post For Free :Secret Revealed [InfoGraphic]

Are you a serious Blogger?

Do you give your 100% to write the best Blog Posts?

But still not getting the viewers or traffic on your blog? 

Don't worry because it's time to get up, learn and promote blog post...

If you follow this post seriously then I�m sure you�ll never ever need to search this topic again �How to promote my blog post for free�.

In this post I�m gonna tell you how to promote your blog post for free. Lots of my readers and my blogging friends asked me questions like how to promote a blog for free or how I promote my blog post free. So I decided to write a post for all of them and you, so that you�ll can get the maximum out of your blog post.


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Once you have finished your blog post and published successfully, now it�s time to promote your blog post and let the world know about your latest post. 
But keep in mind your post must be fully SEO optimized blog post.

Must Read :- 11 Awesome Steps To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post.     
Must Read :- Top 5 Ways to Create Quality Backlinks For Your Blog

 Let�s go with these steps to learn how to promote new blog post for free �

Step 1 Share on Social Media.

First of all you need to share your new post on your all social media accounts and not only once share at least 4 � 5 times in a day.

Many of newbie bloggers have this question in mind how to promote a blog on social media, so my answer to them is that just go to your social media accounts and write a simple post with a link of your blog post, that�s all.

Social media accounts which I use and suggest you to use are �
Facebook,  Twitter,  Google+,  Linkedin,  Pinterest.

Step 2Submit post on Social bookmarking sites.

 I�m sure you must have listened about social bookmarking.

So it�s time to promote your blog posts with social bookmarking sites.

Social bookmarking sites are really awesome way to promote blog to increase traffic. Most of the social bookmarking sites have high rankings, so we also got a high quality backlink from there.

Social Bookmarking sites which I use to promote my blog post are �

  •         Digg
  •         Stubleupon
  •         Delicious
  •         Reddit
  •         Bundlr

 Step 3 � Join communities, groups and forums under your niche.

You should join Facebook groups, Google+ communities, Linkedin Groups and Forums under your niche then just post about your latest blog post and that�s all with a link back to your blog.

 Step 4 � Now create new versions of your post like-  (Remake your blog post).
  •     Video
  •     Infographic
  •     Slideshare
  •     Audio

And publish the new versions on their respective social sites like video on YouTube and infographic on infographic submission sites and presentation on and audio on audio submission sites like soundcloud ect. 

Must Read :- How To Do Keyword Research For Seo (Step By Step). 
Must Read :- 10 Awesome Free Image Compression Tools You Must Try Once.

Step 5Email Outreach 

Hopefully, you are making email list of your blog reader. So now it�s time to mail them and let them know that you have published a new post.

Instead of sending boring mail send them a sort description of your post with image and at last a link of your blog post. Make sure to make that short description curious so that everybody wants� to read it complete.

Step 6Answer on questions on Quora

You need to answer questions on Quora and other similar question answer sites.
Just go to quora and search a question related to your latest blog post and then answer it with a link of your blog post. So that everyone can go to your site from there.

Step 7Make Relations with Bloggers

Now it�s time to take a break and get a coffee..

If you are a bloggers and you�re serious about blogging then you really need to make relations with other bloggers at least with them who are working in your field or niche or your competitors.

You must be thinking how can I promote my blog post from my relations with other bloggers?

So my answer is that every blogger needs someone who helps them in their blogging journey, so if we make relations with them and we share their posts then in return they�ll share our posts for free and this works pretty good, so that's how we can promote blog post for free.

Step 8Email Influencer's

As we�ll know how external links are useful to rank our blog on search engines, that�s why we all use external links in our post but it�s not done here.

We need to contact with the blog�s owner or influencer and let them know that we have shared their blog in our post.

I prefer to email them and usually tell them that �

Hey owner,

Today I was writing a blog post on �how to promote a blog post for free� and I shared your blog in my post because I found it really helpful for my readers.
So thank you so much for making such a great blog.

Cheers :)

So, in 70% of cases the blog owner returns a favor to us and shares our blog with their readers.

Must Read :- How To Increase Alexa Rank Of Your Blog.
Must Read :- 10 Awesome Sites to Get Free Stock Photos for your Blog.

That�s all. :)

Now you have successfully learned how to promote your blog post for free.

If you are still having any problems or questions regarding "how to promote a blog for free" then please fell free to comment bellow. I'll be honored to help you out :)

Comment bellow which is your favorite way to promote your blog post for free :)

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