List of 300 Cute Nicknames to Call Your Boyfriend

The following list of cute nicknames will force you to call your boyfriend or lover or spouse with. Every girl dream for a unique secret name to call her partner and you dream is going to fulfill through this page. I tried my best to include all letter names from A to Z but if you got more creative pet names in Spanish or any other language than I will appreciate if you share in the comments.
cute nicknames for guys

It�s important to use such cute nicknames to call each other during communication in a relationship. If you don't, then how would you be on the same page as that person! Timing is very special too. No matter what, I believe your boyfriend should enjoy that pet name in the right time to advantage. Because when you all both have use sweet nicks for each other time to time should feel very precious to both of y'all. There shouldn't be any excuses. Nor should there be any reason why your special someone feels like the spark isn't there anymore. If that guy makes a decision to walk away just because you don't take time out to be with him.

Aero App
Act of Love
Actor of Mars
Al Pasta
Al Butter
Al Honey
Al Apes
Al Gangster
Al Champ
Al Nitro
Atlas Ache

Beat of Bee
Bachelor Hand
Beacon Biscuit
Blurry Face
Broken Always
Beta Hero
Back of Hercules
Blow Bunny
Bravo Don
Black Shun
Beaky Buy
Bold Bull
Buzz Bun
Balcony Guy
Bull of Houston
Busy King
Bucket Smile

Capricorn King
Coupon Heart
Crazy Ken
Cute Con
Catchy Creeper
Chulo ( Spanish name derived from a song)
Carino (Mexican charm)
Cabeza (Italian nick)
Cuddly Monk
Coin On
Chuck Chains
Clever Crush
Charming Chuck

Dulzura (Spanish nick means beloved or darling)
Dracula like
Dragon Cat
Double Jam
Dancing Drop
Dew Dagger
Dove Lope
Deeper Man
Dual Danger
Django Mask (Italian mix)
Drizzling Statute
Depth Personality
Do More
Dying Hero

Eclipse On
Echo Sub
Eve Filler
Ego Hub
Egyptian Wave
Einstein Clone
Elliot Eye
Easy Man
Enrique Edge
Euro Height
Elder Lover

Frozen Pho
Fizzy Flat
Finest Stiff
Foggy Fitch
Fifer David
Flapper Gem
Fantasy Banta
Fokker Owl
Friendly Boss
Fullest Freak
Freaky Flow
Fly of NY
Final Nine
Fofo Eagle
Frito Bull

Golden Owl
Greasy Ox
Grill of sand
Gorgeous Jug
Giggly Lad
Glacier Fox
Galaxy Train
Glasgow Hunter
Gemini Stick
Genius Ginny
 General Mist
Go Guider
Glazy Bin
Gaga Glory
Glitch Picker

Honey Lips
Honey Eyes
Honey Glaze
Hot Breather
Hot Cube
Hyper Moo
Hello Counter
Hi Jack
Hawaii Hawk
Hotshot Mr.
Hat Lover
Hoax Bee
Hera Shine
Humpty Hero  

Innocence of Moon
Innocent Pilot
Insane Dove
Intelligent Icon
Irish Mug
Icy Lips
Interior Hugger
Itchy Lips
Italian Boss
Irish Hanger
Idiot of Pluto
Idol of Ace

Jack Raw
Jupiter Guy
Junior Judge
Jubilee Jingle
Jazz Smile
Justice Band
Juicy Lips
Jogo Ginny
Jesse John
Jazzy Junk
Jungle Champ

Kissing Rider
Kisser of Mars
Kasper 21
Kilo King
King of Nights
Kit Kat
Kind Sleeper
Knot On
Keeper Eyes
Kicky Jogger
Kit Kim

Last Monk
Lasting Fever
Lovely Bun
Loving Boo
Light Mad
Lower Lover
Life Bug
Lake of Love
Lazy Runner
Little Eyes
Lice Killer
Lemon Puff
Luxury Lion
Love Locker
Lad of Neptune
Landlord Fan 

Mi Pollito
Mustache Master
Micro Max
Minor Munch
Master Pearl
Mi Amor (use for attractive Mexican guys)
Magical Eyes
Magician Man
Macaroni Bull
My Soul
My Fear
My Map
My Major
My Minor
My Jump
My Catch
My Mist
My Monk
My Magic
My Mule
Mysterious Mexican
My Monopoly
Mule Maker
Mist of Care

Nasty Rider
Night Copier
Naughty 19
Nice Play
Niche Guy
Nuclear Heart
Never Guy
Nerd Guru
Navy Seal
National Champ
North Storm
Nick Pick

Open Pink
Oprah coach
Obvious Talent
Only Sage
Orchestra Player
Ozone Fever
One Jack

Papi (Cute Spanish)
Pet Boo
Panic Hero
Pasta Punch
Punching Pad
Plain Honey
Pizza Guy
Prom Rider
Playful Full
Pixie Jin

Querido (a Spanish name means charming)
Qatar Rose
Quadratic Boy
Quality Looser

Union Start
Urban Formula

Rocking Wrist
Real Racer
Rare Romeo
Running Pearl
Ripper Core
Rancher Cut

Slavic Stun
Sweet Iron
Super Ash
Senior Son
Slop of Love
Sunny Leo
Sneaky Lips
Sage saga
Slow Train
Sugary Little
Sugar Potato
Snow Sun
Sweeter Syrup
Sure Shot
Shut None
Slate of Adore
Stony Rick
Sandy Boy
Sizzling Sea
Side Shore
Salsa Soup
Tough Rough
Tight Looser
Tiny Giant
Tweet Book
Toper Dawn
Tsunami Caster
Tramp Jailer
Ticket Lover
Trophy Runner
Tarzan Twin
Tattoo Truck

Violent Naive
Violet Wax
Villain Villa
Victoria Covert  
Venezuela Blue

Wolf of Galaxy
Wonder Wind
Wow Man
Winning Sweet
Waving Worker
Wicca Jin
Wacky Itch
Xian Alpha
Xiao Arc
Xbox Hero

Yellow Hen
Yoyo Yen
Yolo Fan
Yelling Ninja
Yeast of Love
Yale Ox
Yes Boo
Yearly Kisser
Yokel Local
Yawning Ruler

Zero Up
Zip Gum
Zoom M

Feel free to call your boyfriend with these cute names on his birthday, special parties, occasionally or you could also dare to call him with these nicks on regular basic. 

If you use this list somewhere else you are required to use this back-link to this page.  

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