Choral speaking competition

     It was my first time of participating in choral speaking competition. I was not interested in this competition at all and I did not think that I would participate in this competition. One day,as I was doing the homework given by my English teacher attentively, suddenly,my teacher approached me and asked if I was interested joining the choral speaking competition. I was caught off-guard at that moment and could not find an excuse so I nodded my head as a gesture of agreeing.

    It was my first day of choral speaking practice. I hardly memorised the whole script. They were many participants but the stage was not big enough to accommodate all of us. So,we  packed closely like sardines. We practised thrice in a week. We were often scolded by the teachers because of our poor performance. We knew that we were hopeless. There were also few form 5 students who were good at teasing. They also make us laugh at their jokes during practise and as a consequence, our practices were often delayed.

    As the saying goes,time and tide wait for no man. We only had three days to go before the actual day.We practised unceasingly for two months. We were asked to perform on stage during assembly. We stood before  thousands of students and teachers and performed. We finished our choral speaking and we knew that we had done badly. We received a lot of comments and critiques from the students as well as teachers. However, we were not taken aback but rather we had received them with an open heart. It was our last day of practice but we were still performing terribly. We had lost our hopes.

    The next day would be the real competition. I greatly hoped that we could put our best feet forwards and do our best. Although we had lost our hopes, we still have to do our best. I also hope that I  would not mess up the competition and I do not want our school to be abashed in front of other schools.

      It was the competition. I overslept but I managed to dash to the school. We travelled to SMK Taman Bukit Indah by bus. We practised there because we arrived early. It was our turn,I had butterflies in my stomach. My legs trembled and heart beat faster. Everyone had their eyes glued on us. I managed to gather all my courage and did my best. We watched all the performances from other schools. As the saying goes, every beginning has an ending. The closing ceremony has reached. We were a little disappointed when we did not win the match. Our teachers told us that we got 3rd runner up but the prizes were only for the champion,first and second runner ups. We persuaded ourself with the result. I hoped that I could participate in choral speaking competition in the following years.

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