Article - Ways to Prevent Dengue
Recent statistics of dengue cases and fatalities in Malaysia are ringing alarm bells across the country.The number of deaths has doubled from five deaths in 2013 to 10 deaths in 2014, all within the same period.The mosquito that is responsible for transmitting the virus,Aedes aegypti, is living amongst us.Therefore, drastic measures are needed to squash this dengue menace from spreading and causing more deaths in Malaysia.
First and foremost,don't leave stagnant water in flower pots.Don't leave empty flower pots in upright position.Put some larvae insecticide in potted plants.Rear some fish in stagnant pond to control the population of mosquito larvae.We can also hold gotong-royong activities to clean up our housing area.We can co-operate with our neighbours to destroy the breeding spots of mosquitoes,especially the drains and piles of rubbish.We should also clean the flower pots regularly.
Secondly,government and other non-government authorities(NGOs) can play their role by holding campaigns.The anti-dengue campaigns can be held to bring awareness to the public on the dangers of dengue and ways to prevent it.Furthermore,they should also inspect housing areas which have a high risk of dengue fever.Government should fine those who throw rubbish into river and indiscriminately.As a result, thrown rubbish will end up clogging up drains and this will give an opportunity for mosquitoes to breed.
Next,government should implement stringent laws. Such as, fining irresponsible house contractors who leave building materials unattended.Public Works Department also should repair roads which have potholes.These roads can hold water when it rains.Government should regulate rubbish collection in a more proper manner. Rubbish disposal areas should not be left unattended.This will give the Aedes mosquito an opportunity to breed.
In conclusion,dengue fever can be greatly reduced when the public takes heed and co-operates with government bodies to eradicate the dengue menace.As the saying goes,�Prevention is better than cure�.
First and foremost,don't leave stagnant water in flower pots.Don't leave empty flower pots in upright position.Put some larvae insecticide in potted plants.Rear some fish in stagnant pond to control the population of mosquito larvae.We can also hold gotong-royong activities to clean up our housing area.We can co-operate with our neighbours to destroy the breeding spots of mosquitoes,especially the drains and piles of rubbish.We should also clean the flower pots regularly.
Secondly,government and other non-government authorities(NGOs) can play their role by holding campaigns.The anti-dengue campaigns can be held to bring awareness to the public on the dangers of dengue and ways to prevent it.Furthermore,they should also inspect housing areas which have a high risk of dengue fever.Government should fine those who throw rubbish into river and indiscriminately.As a result, thrown rubbish will end up clogging up drains and this will give an opportunity for mosquitoes to breed.
Next,government should implement stringent laws. Such as, fining irresponsible house contractors who leave building materials unattended.Public Works Department also should repair roads which have potholes.These roads can hold water when it rains.Government should regulate rubbish collection in a more proper manner. Rubbish disposal areas should not be left unattended.This will give the Aedes mosquito an opportunity to breed.
In conclusion,dengue fever can be greatly reduced when the public takes heed and co-operates with government bodies to eradicate the dengue menace.As the saying goes,�Prevention is better than cure�.