Center or Right Alignment of Blogger Header Image

In general uploaded your header image via page element option you will see that image will automatically align to the left and there are no option for right or center alignment. For those who has been facing this problem we hope this article can help you have more control over the header positioning, Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) you can make this easily align right, left or center.

Alignment of Blogger Header Image

At first you need to check the image placement method you choose when you uploaded the header image to Blogger.

  • If you used �Behind title and description� option.
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Template > Customize > Add CSS
  3. Add the following snippet of code,
    To align center
    #header-inner {background-position: center !important; width: 100% !important;}

    To align right
    #header-inner {background-position: right !important; width: 100% !important;}

    • If you used �Instead of title and description� or �Have description placed after the image� option.

      To align center
      #header-inner img {margin: 0 auto !important;} #header-inner {text-align:center !important;} /*include this line if you are using Template Designer*/

      To align right
      #header-inner img {margin: 0 auto 0 300px;}


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