PT3 Essay - Informal Letter ( Deepavali Celebration)

Questions: You celebrated Deepavali with your family.Your pen pal from London asked you to describe the entire celebration.Write a letter to your friend to describe how you celebrated Deepavali.

 When writing your letter,you should:
- write between 120-150
- describe the entire celebration
- describe briefly another celebration celebrated in Malaysia

                                                                 8,Jalan Hang Jebat 23,
                                                                 Taman Skudai Baru,
                                                                 81300 Skudai,

Dear Andrew,

     How are you getting on?I am in the
pink of health.It has been ages since I last sent the last time I sent you
letter.In your previous letter,you asked me to describe how
my family celebrated Deepavali.My family and I celebrated
Deepavali last Sunday.
     We were as busy as bees before
Deepavali to prepare for Deepavali.We cooperated to clean
and decorate our house.My sister volunteered to decorate our
house with 'rangoli'.A night before Deepavali,we lighted our
house with oil lamps.That is why Deepavali is known as
Festival of Light.
     We woke up early in the morning and we
had oil bath.Then,we wore our Indian cultural dresses.My
father and I wore dhoti while my mother and sisters wore
saree.My parents blessed us on that morning.We went to
temple.After that,my mother cooked 'thosai' for us.We ate
our breakfast together.
     Then,we visited my grandparents.We
brought along some traditional food to them.We had our lunch
there.My grandmother cooked a lot of mouth-watering
delicacies.The meal was served on banana leaf.At night,my
parents held open-house.We invited our neighbours.My mother
cooked briyani for them.They also tried our traditional
food.At night,we also played firecrackers and fireworks.
     Malaysia is well-known as a
multicultural country.There are three main ethnics in Malaysia which are Malay, Chinese and Indian.Another
festival celebrated in Malaysia is Chinese New Year.Chinese
New Year is celebrated by all Chinese.On that day,elderly people
give angpau or red packet to their children.There is also
lion dance performed on that day.
     I will pen off now.Hope to hear from
you soon.

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