Congratulations on Your Job Promotion Quotes and Messages

A great list of congratulations messages and quotes to send your friends on their job promotion. Pick up a sample congratulation note and post it on your Facebook status by tagging your friend, college or boss name on it with a cute meme. In life, we will always have times where we may have to hold down a position, a job, a task, a promotion, a role that we know is not long term. What you do at that point can delay or speed up the permanent position you desire. What am I trying to say? Function in your temporary position as though it were your permanent. Giving half-baked service at any position in your life can hinder your promotion to next level. Everything we do in life teaches us lessons to master the next season. Too many times we hear people saying "this is just a temporary situation" and act to suit the fact that you don't belong there but nothing happens before it's time. 

Remember God loves to see us giving our all in every situation HE presents, good or bad and he lengthens or shortens it based on our maturity. The people you are" temporarily" servicing should not suffer because you don't plan to stay there. I guarantee you if you change the way you think about your current position, you'll recognize this is a piece of the puzzle you need to complete your journey so treat it with more respect and promotions. Those who have ears to hear will hear what the spirit is saying today.
congratulations on your promotion sayings

Congratulations on Your Promotion Quotes!

Congratulations on your well deserve promotion and wish you best of luck for your future assignment.

Congratulations on your first promotion and pay raise since starting your first job! I'm so happy to celebrate you and all your success.

Congratulations on your second promotion with your Fields business. Even with your crazy busy full-time work and kids' schedule, you are fitting this into the nooks and crannies of your life. You are making it happen. I'm so happy for you and love seeing your success.

Big congratulations to you, on your first huge promotion and pay raise! It's the end of the month and you still made it happen. We are so happy for you! Enjoy that paycheck.

Congratulations on your promotion to Sales Coordinator! I love how many customers you are reaching and changing their lives. The passion you have for the customers you work with is incredible. Keep sharing and caring! I'm so proud of you.

Massive congratulations on your well-earned promotion. You have just given yourself a 5% raise for the rest of your career! Great job! May God bless you and open many more doors for you.

Congratulations on your promotion! We are so incredibly happy for you and appreciate all the love and support you show to us and so many others.

A very special congratulation to you on your promotion to Executive! You are absolutely amazing! You have kicked ass and look at you now! You are an amazing leader! I can't tell you in words how proud of you, I am. Look out the world, it has many more promotions coming, and so close to you. Own it, claim it girl.

Congratulations! I'm mega pleased to say we have another promotion on the team. Some might wonder, what does this mean? Well, this means she is just one step away from a free yearly trip to Hawaii, and a 6 figure income.

Now that it is official I want to say congratulations to my amazing boyfriend on his well-deserved promotion! You have worked so hard for this opportunity and I know you will be successful in this new role. As you already know I am beyond proud of you and will be here to support you along the way! Happy promotion day! I love you!

If there's nothing else going then take it. Anything is better than nothing. Experience and a good reference will lead to a better promotion and you win it by your hardworking and incredible skills.  Congratulations on your mini promotion, a big one is not far away from you.

Congratulations on your new promotion at the office. You deserve it after all the smart moves and time you have devoted the past few months, I am proud of you. Be ready and look forward to your new challenges.

I am so excited for you today, congratulations on your excellent promotion. No doubt, you deserve it so much. When you believe your dreams come true. I am very proud of you.

After four unbelievably challenging, crazy, and long years, you are returning to the real reward. I can officially announce that you have earned a well-deserved promotion. I am proud of you and proud of us for sticking it out.

I am so excited to be writing this. You have worked your backside off every month to get to this promotion and the hard work has finally paid off. You are only gone and smashed Senior Sales. Now for anyone who doesn't know how our company works, this is an absolutely massive achievement! I'm so bloody proud of you and it�s a privilege to have you in my team.

You are an amazing boss who outperforms in every way and covers superiority in everything you does. You are already been leading the way, so it's great to be able to get the rank that is well-earned.
Yes, I am doing the happy dance now! Congratulations, on your promotion to Executive Consultant in your business in just 6 months. Seriously, you got two kids at home and full-time senior recruiter and still working this side business like a boss lady. I'm so excited for what's to come.

I admire that you are so coachable and so willing to grow and learn. You desire to be that leader for your team that they deserve and it shows daily. You are always asking questions, asking for help and insight. You are so humble. I'm excited for your booming team and all the promotions that are going to be rolling in. Your heart for giving back is going to take you places you've never dreamed. Keep up the great work.

You are a nice, supportive professional gentleman and always a problem solver. You will be missed at by your old department. Accept my lots of love and prayer for your upcoming responsibilities.

Congratulations on your very first promotion. May it be your beginning of success, blessings, prosperity, promotions, health! You shall lifelong and we shall celebrate your incredible successes. Thanks to everyone who made our world beautiful by brightening it with their love and care towards this wonderful family. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Promotions are flying out today! Accept my massive congratulation to my superstar on reaching your promotions. You have hit your third promotion and will receive a bonus on top of the commission. Well done girl. You really so well deserved, you've worked so hard this month.

You are a true inspiration to many and you will go far in this company. Congratulations my dear, you so deserve this. What God has for you, is for you. He is positioning you for something great. The naysayers said you wouldn't make it, couldn't make it, not worthy to deserve it but God said yes you can. Get ready to be repositioned. Get ready for more promotions. Get ready for an increase. God has great plans for you.

Congratulations to my Husband for a well deserve a promotion! Thank God for this blessing! May you continue to achieve your dreams! I love you so much baby.

Wow, everyone gives a big Congratulation to my daughter. She is a busy mom of 5 who is doing amazing, she seriously makes no excuses. She is proof that no matter how busy you think you are, you can be successful in a business! We are so proud of you! Enjoy that permanent pay raise, you deserve it.

Congrats to my husband on his promotion to Service Manager at the shop! He's an amazing leader and has a wonderful team working with him. You deserve it baby and I'm so proud of you.

You said you would and you did. Congrats on hitting this amazing promotion. You know how amazing these products are and how incredible and fun this business is. You're one step closer to your time and financial freedom plan. Keep rocking' your business and keep changing lives.

Congrats to my mom who just received and bonus, pay raise and promotion to vice president. I am so proud of her and all of her hard work and late hours she puts in, she definitely deserves this!! Her bank is definitely lucky to have her! I love you, mom.

I am so excited to congratulate you on achieving Level 2. You are so deserving of this promotion and your growing team is lucky to have you as a leader. I am absolutely positive that you are just getting warmed up.

Congrats to this beautiful girl and fellow business partner on climbing the ranks. Congrats on being boxed in for your first promotion. Your determination and motivation will take you to great places in future. I can�t wait to see where this adventure takes you.


Our performance is everything. If your performance does not consistently scream out originality, quality, and results, you are dead in the water. Good is always at the mercy of better. You have to outshine the competition by developing a rich portfolio of products and services that put distance between you and the competition. We all have an ability. The difference is how we develop it and use it. You must dedicate time to developing your abilities. No ability or natural skill can become outstanding without a conscious effort to develop and polish it. It�s the polishing and developing that brings the success and fortune.

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