DIA - On The Road [Easy-Lyrics | ENG]

me il ul li ga got ton
gu gi res so
du ri so na nun
yak sok ki yok ka ni

chi gum mun na
hon ja gok ko it ji man
ne i run no wa ham ke
gok ko ship po

yo jum ta ra
han te so jung het ton
gu yak so gi seng gang na
(non mo ru get jim man)

no rul hyang-an ma hum mi
mo i got to bok
cha ol la so
cha mul su op so

tol li nun ma um mul
gan jik kan
dul ma nek ko ri
su jup gi ma net ton nu
ril gi yok ka ni

non mo ru ji
mot ta han na i ya gi
dul lyo ju go ship pun gol
ku gi re so

sol jik kan nem ma
mul jo nal ge

gak kum shin ne
gan na rul ba ra bwa do
jong mal sol jik ka
ji mot tan got gat ta

sa rangi ran
ning gam jong chom i ra so
no ye ge dam ma ra
jim mot tan go ya

Oh, mom chu ji yan nun
tol lim do
ki bun jo un ni
nun gil do
han bom man da shi to
i jen no a nim
nal ga ji ji mot te

han go rum to han go rum
chon cho ni
no ay gek ka ryo he
ja mul su op so ho

tol li nun ma um mul
gan jik kan
dul ma nek ko ri
su jup gi ma net ton nu
ril gi yok ka ni

non mo ru ji
mot ta han na i ya gi
dul lyo ju go ship pun gol
ku gi re so

sol jik kan nem ma
mul jo nal ge

mik ki ji yan ket ji man
a jik do no
ma ni ju wa he
u ri ham ke han shi gan
ne ge nun no
mu na so junge

da shi du bal mat chwo
gon nun nal
ma ra ge a jik dam mot ta
ham mal dul
jo a nul la re dul ma nes
song-ul sa no wan nah
ku ri go no wa na
on jen ga u ri ga
man nal guk ki re so o
no ye ge ko bek kal ke
sa range~

tol li nun ma um mul
gan jik kan
dul ma nek ko ri
su jup gi ma net ton nu
ril gi yok ka ni

non mo ru ji
mot ta han na i ya gi
dul lyo ju go ship pun gol
ku gi re so

sol jik kan nem ma
mul jo nal ge

ENGLISH Translation

On the street we used to walk on every day
Do you remember the promise we made?

I�m walking on it alone right now
But I wanna walk with you tomorrow

These days, I remember it more
That precious promise
(Though you probably don�t know)

Feelings for you are gathering and rising up
I can�t hold it in

Our street that has kept our trembling hearts
Do you remember how shy we were?

You don�t know my unfinished story
I want to tell you on that road

I�ll tell you my honest heart

Sometimes, when you looked at me
I don�t think I was always honest

Because it�s my first time with love
I don�t think I told you everything

This unstoppable trembling
Your look that makes me feel good
Now no one can have me but you

Step by step
I will slowly go to you
I can�t hold it in

Our street that has kept our trembling hearts
Do you remember how shy we were?

You don�t know my unfinished story
I want to tell you on that road

I�ll tell you my honest heart

You might not believe it but I still like you a lot
Times we spent together are so precious to me

On the day we both walk together again
I�ll tell you everything I couldn�t tell you before
Let�s build our own castle under the sky
You and I, and you

On the road that we�ll meet on again some day
I�ll confess to you
I love you

Our street that has kept our trembling hearts
Do you remember how shy we were?

You don�t know my unfinished story
I want to tell you on that road

I�ll tell you my honest heart


Eng - pop!gasa

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