I Love My Wife Quotes for Facebook Status
Do you ever write a love note or paragraph for your wife and express your feelings in a Facebook status? I love my wife and write several thankful notes on her birthdays and our anniversaries. I write down some beautiful love quotes for a loving wife, so if you really love your wife copy and paste these wives love quotes on your Facebook timeline. Why does a man need a loving wife in his life? Because a loyal wife is the pillar of your strength, she can guide you and show the way she'll take care of you in any way you need she'll love you unconditionally. Here are a dozen of images you can Whatsapp your wife to express your love or simply pick a quote and design a cute image for her.
Let's think about the word love for just a minute. Who knew that such a small insignificant word could hold so much power? I'm no expert, let me tell you, I'm not even sure I know what it is, how to do it, or if I have even ever been in it. I mean I know what unconditional love for my wife is and even the love I have for my friends but the love between a man and a woman is completely different. I've wanted and searched for that love for years and have convinced myself on a few different occasions that I was in love but that weren�t the truth. The truth is I am just now, at the age of 35, to the point to where I love myself enough to think that I deserve love. So what is it? How do I do it? Where do I find it? I know one thing I do not believe you can be in love with someone after only knowing them a few weeks; I believe that's euphoria and will eventually wearing off. So what is the timeline? I don't know. Can you be in love with someone who continues to use and disrespect you? I see all these things about how hard it is to walk away but truthfully if they loved you they wouldn't be mistreating you. So no, I believe that is fear, not love. I'm not in the business of changing people and someone who loves me shouldn't be in the business of changing me. I believe if you love someone you love everything about them, just the way they are. Love is not selfish. Do not be afraid to lose someone who doesn't love you unconditionally, and do not be afraid to leave someone who isn't everything you've ever wanted. I would rather live the rest of my life alone, knowing that I am happy, and then live it with someone I didn't love unconditionally trying to be happy. Do not compare your love story to those on the big screen or in a book or even those of the ones around you, your love story was written for you and you alone, by God, not by authors or scriptwriters. Do not convince yourself you are in love with someone just because everyone says you should be. I know what it is that I want and deserve and will not settle anymore. I'm not confused; I'm being realistic, what is meant to be will be. I've never been really good at being patient but I'll be damned if Love is something I'm going to be rushed into. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, hopefully, so I got plenty of time to explore and find this elusive thing called love.
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I love you my wife |
I Love My Wife Quotes for Facebook Status
My best friend in life is my wife because she is the person who knows me inside and out. We laugh together, we sing we shared sentiments and even argue on things beyond our control but at the end of the day, she's there to love me unconditionally. I am blessed to have her not only as a mother to my dearest children, a buddy, a confident but most of all a better half who is willing to give her everything for us.
I am thankful I have a great wife in my life who does not believe in the old clich� that a family matter is a man's job. I am thankful I have someone in my life who makes me gut laugh at least once a day and brings a smile to my face every day and who will listen to me and not take me for granted and love me unconditionally and communicate without arguing. I am thankful for how my life is now. I am totally content and would not change a thing.
Twenty years ago my life was blessed with my beautiful, smart, funny, caring and best wife in the world. Thank you, God, for picking me to be her husband! Now she is a daughter, wife, mother, and a beautiful inside and out woman.
My wife is the woman that always knows what is wrong even without me saying it, my favorite girl, my bestie for life, my comforter, the woman that always stand by me even if I messed up. She is the woman that always want the best for me, that loving and caring wife and mother, that woman that will always tell me don�t worry everything will be fine and trust me everything will in no time, that woman with solutions to my problems I love you so much.
To my loving wife, I say to you I love you, thank you for putting up with my many years of love. Thank you for the power of love and the belief we have in each other to follow new dreams together. I think of us as a big book, I am the pages in the wind, going through all the wind storms fluttering like crazy. Then there is you my love the binding always there well put together and solid as a rock. You are truly my why. And together we are the epic love story.
Hey, Facebook friends and family I just wanted to let everyone know that, I am so thankful I have a wonderful wife in my life. I work all week and go to the office all day Saturday. Every day I come home, she has our evening meal all planned out and she has the table set. She does this during her lunch hour most of the time. I love you. You are always there for me. You are such an amazing woman. You cook, you clean and you do laundry. Where have you been all my life? I just want you to know I love you and appreciate you so much. You are such a supportive force in my life and I am so thankful. Thank you for just being there for me.
I know life can be stressful but life is what you make of it! You can choose to be bitter and angry. Or you can be happy and push on. I am thankful I met a wonderful woman who treats me with respect and kindness and always makes me smile. I love my wife, my life! I would not change a thing! She makes me laugh every day on a constant basis. Her sense of humor is awesome and I love it.
A few years ago today I married my beautiful amazing wife. I love you baby you are my rock soul mate and best friend. I thank god every day for blessing me with you as my wife. You are the light that makes my days bright and you are the reason I go to sleep and wake with a smile on my face everyday baby. I love you baby always and forever to the ends of the earth.
Today is a very special day for me. One year ago today I had my first date with my wife. She has treated me with kindness and respect. I feel very blessed! Happy 1-year anniversary sweetheart! My life has become such a positive experience and for that, I am forever grateful.
I just wanted to let you know how much I love you, sweetheart. I wake up each day to your kind face and your kind words. I am reminded each day that I am better than OK. Thank you for always being there for me and I love how we can talk about anything. You are the kindest hearted woman I have ever met. I am grateful and thankful you came into my life. Every day is an awesome journey with you. Someday I feel like I can't go on but you keep me going. You are such a positive encouragement in my life and for that I am very thankful, I love you. Thank you for reminding me I got this.
I am still amazed that I get to be your husband. These past years went by way too fast. Our God has allowed us to grow together, both in our love for him and our love for each other. It excites me beyond measure to see the way you love and care for our daughter. I don't deserve you, but I will certainly thank God for you every single day.
Words can't explain how much I love my family, God has blessed me beyond measure with a beautiful wife, daughter and unborn baby girl, I couldn't ask for anything else, just want to say thank you honey for all you do I couldn�t even think of world without you and my babies in it.
I love this woman for so many reasons and I thank God for giving me her. She is the most loving mother to my beautiful babies and an amazing Wife. Without her, I would not be the Man I am today.
Dear wife, it took me a long time to know my worth. You have helped me every step of the way. I love you, sweetheart. You are one of the most amazing women I have ever met. You are kind and caring and I thank God for you coming into my life. So many people out there are so full of hate and anger and bitterness. You showed me a happy life and for that, I am forever grateful.
This woman here is my backbone my heart and soul. She�s one of the reasons I strive to be and do better in life because if it wasn't for you there would be no me.
Dear wife, I just wanted to say I love you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being a listening ear when I need to vent. Thank you for always being there for me when I come thru the door after a long day and having an awesome hug waiting for me. Life can be stressful but you help me thru each day and without you I don't know what I would do! I love you, sweetheart.
I was lucky enough to find the woman God made for me 40 years ago. She is and has been my best friend, my help-mate, the mother of my children, and on occasion, my caretaker and most of all, she is the one I will love for eternity.
My wife is amazing, my beautiful reality of life, a blessing to my life, and I love her with all my heart. I am so blessed and so thankful for her and my children. That is all that is on my mind, thank you Facebook for asking.
Good morning Facebook readers, sometimes you just have to take back your life and not play into people�s games. I am happiest living in a nonsoap opera world. Yes, we all have our ups and downs but my life is pretty good right now. I love my wife, I know life is not perfect but thank you for seeing my flaws and loving me for who I am. I am grateful we can sit and talk about anything and everything. I am thankful we hung in there and we actually sit and talk. I have never had that before. But I think I can get used to that, I know you truly love me and you have shown that so many times. I love you darling and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I wish more women would take a lesson from you. You treat me with so much love.
I am thankful you care and support me and see me thru difficult times in my life. You are one marvelous life partner. You never let me down. I am blessed to have you in my life. You never take me for granted. You love with your whole heart and for that, I am forever obliged.
Today on the Facebook I want to thank you for your love and support through all our endeavors in life. If it wasn't for our love of God and trying to create a loving household who know where we would be. You have been my rock and thank you for such beautiful and smart kids. You taught me how to love and have fun again; I know I am not the most pleasant person all the time and I can be hard to deal with. Thank you for being you and accepting me. I love everything about you, your compassion for others, and your determination, your creativity, willingness to strive for success, you honesty even when it hurts, you're motherly inter wishing, and your intelligence, which I must say is a total turn on. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone other than you. I thank God for my suave demeanor which allows me to have you.
You are always someone I can count on and to be there. You are the one who gives me a shoulder to lean on and someone who lift me up and vent. You never judge me and you let me be me. You are the love of my life I love you more than you will ever know. My life is amazing since you waltzed into my life. I love you, baby.
It was the happiest year of my life and I am sure it�s just the beginning. I love you since the day I met you and I always will. I didn�t want that our marriage would be quoted as an example of a perfect couple rather let it be the coolest adventure that the two people have ever taken. You are my life my strength, and who is the reason for my happiness, who support and encourage me. Thank you for loving me for who I am and for always there for me, I am so proud to be your husband, I love you.
Like takes us down many paths and many bumpy roads but eventually we are shown where we need to be. I reflect back on life and chaotic times and it reminds me just how far I have moved forward and how my life has changed for the better. Thank you, my love,, my wife.
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A thank you note for your wife!
How many of you are thankful you woke up this morning? How many of you are thankful you have a job to go to each day? How many of you are thankful you have a roof over your head and have food on the table? How many of you are thankful you have someone in your life that meets you at the door each day to tell you how much they love you and how much you mean to them? The world is a crazy place and it just keeps on getting crazier. Don't ever let anyone manipulate your life or make you feel less of a person. Spend time with people who care. Life is way too short to live in misery and sadness. The older I get the more I see how true this is.