KYUHYUN - Last Good-bye [Easy-Lyrics | ENG]

nun mul so dum myo
kot changa ges so ro i byol
hal su wis su mi
chuk po gi ra
nuk kyo jin da
na ye hi byo run
hon jas so po jal ko dop shi
chi ro ji nun de
hi byo ret ta go
tat tut ta ge wi ro han bon
pa dul su wis su mi
sat chi ra go nuk kyo jin da
na ye sa rang-un
ham mu do
mo ru ge jo bo ya ma na nun de

cham ho re do
ku ro wat ta
shi jak ge do
ma ji mak ge do hot chap pi
hon ja yos sul go sul
do ra bo ni

no mu cho ra het ton
ko da na gi man
het ton nes sa rang
ho dweng ki de wa
cha jun shil mange
jit chos sul ne sa rang
hon ja hi byol ha nun nal
mo dun he ju go ship ji man
ka yop sun ne sa rang
ma ji mak ka ji do

no mu cho ra ha da
bo jal go dop shi
jo mun da nes sa rang
ma ji mak gi ra do
u sul su wit ge
he ju go ship ji man
hal su hin nun go ra gon
he jul su win nun jon bu ra go han nyong
ne ge ko jak han nyong

cha o re do mi ro wat ta
nam ma na nim
na man no u myon
hi rok ke ship ge kun nal go sul
do ra bo ni

no mu cho ra ha da
bo jal ko dop shi
jo mun da nes sa rang
ma ji mak gi ra do
u sul su wit ge
he ju go ship ji man
hal su hin nun go ra gon
he jul su win nun jon bu ra go han nyong
ne ge ko jak han nyong

jak byol in sa yos son nun de non
he mal ke hu so ju ne
gum mi sol ba re wan nun de
on nu run nap pu da

hu ri ho dis so dun
hon je dun das shi
ma jut chi get chi man
i ge ma ji mak
in sa ran got do
na nun ja ral gi ye
ship ge bet ji mot tan mal
to ro ji ji ya nat ton ku mal han nyong
hi jen jong mal han nyong

ENGLISH Translation

It�s a blessing
That we could break up
Loudly, with tears
My heartache is about to be useless and alone
It feels like an extravagance
To be able to be warmly comforted because of this break up
When I should fold up my love
Without anyone knowing

I dragged this out for a long time
I was always going to be alone
Whether it was the beginning or the end
When I look back

My love was so pitiful, so difficult
Useless hopes and frequent disappointments
My love was exhausted
The day we said goodbye
I wanted to do something for you
But my pitiful love, even to the end

It�s so pitiful
My love is setting, uselessly
I wanted to make you smile, even to the end
But the only thing I could do
All I could do is say goodbye
Just a goodbye

I pushed it back for a long time
If it wasn�t for me, if only I let it go
It would�ve ended so easily
When I look back

It�s so pitiful
My love is setting, uselessly
I wanted to make you smile, even to the end
But the only thing I could do
All I could do is say goodbye
Just a goodbye

It was a goodbye
But you�re smiling for me
I used to look forward to that smile
But today, it hurts

Wherever, whenever
We�ll probably meet again
But I know this is the last goodbye
So words I can�t say easily
Words I couldn�t get out
Goodbye for real now


Eng - pop!gasa

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