Quick Tip: How to remove Powered by Blogger Attribution from your Blog.

Ah pissed off from Powered by Blogger Attribution widget....!!


Then you are at perfect place J

In next few minutes you�ll be free from that awkward �Powered by Blogger� widget because in today we are going to learn how to remove Powered by Blogger attribution from Blog.

The reason why I said it awkward because yeah it really not looks good at all. 

We all design our Website or Blog with feelings and we don�t like anything on it which is not looking good. So that�s the only reason why we want to remove powered by blogger attribution widget

So let�s directly come to the point and the point is-

How to remove powered by blogger from my blog?

I�m gonna tell you two methods to remove footer credit link from blogger template; you can choose any one which you finds more easy, by the way both of the methods are super easy trust me J

If you are using any free or bought template instead of blogger�s own template then I suggest you to continue with 1st method.

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Method 1St-

In this method we are going to unlock the locked powered by blogger attribution widget.

So just follow bellow given steps one by one-

Step 1:- First of all you have to go to Blogger and Sign in.

Step 2:- Now go to �Template� section and click on �Edit HTML�.


Step 3:- Now you�ll see an option �Jump to Widget� just next to orange (maybe I�m right it�s orange) 
button �Save Template�, click on that.


Step 4:- Now a drop down menu will open, click on �Attribution1�. 


Step 5:- Now you just see on the coding section you�ll see this line


<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution' visible='true'>

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Step 6:- Now  you just have to replace �true� with �false� in about line.

So now it will look something like this-

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='false' title='' type='Attribution' visible='true'>


Step 7:- Now just click on that orange �save template� button.

Step 8:- No it�s not over yet! Now you have to go to �Layout� section and there you�ll see 
�Attribution gadget�, click on that.


Step 9:- Wow now you can see the �Remove� option. Just tap on remove option.

That�s all now you have successfully learned how to remove powered by blogger footer J

Method 2:- 

But if you are using any other template instead of blogger�s own template then you may not be able to search the bellow given code.

Step 1:- Login to your Blogger account and go to �template� section.

Step 2:- Now click on �Edit HTML�.

Step 3:- Now just tap once in the code area (anywhere) and then press �Ctrl+F� together to open a 
search bar.

Step 4:- You have to search this code

body {


Step 5:- Now just paste this line before or above �body {� �

#Attribution1 {display: none;}


Step 6:- Now click on �Save template� button.

That�s all now check your blog, whoa now you have completely learned how to remove powered by blogger attribution J

If you are still having any doubts regarding how to remove Powered by Blogger footer attribution widget from you blog then please feel free to ask in comments bellow.

Thank you J

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