Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools

5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools
Checking our content for Plagiarism is the need of every blogger today. So many content thieves are increasing rapidly (mostly newbies) which are shamelessly copying the copyrighted material of real blog writers and getting higher rankings in search engines which are a matter of serious concern for every blogger. Here we are going to give you a list of top 5 best free plagiarism checker tools available online to scan the web for duplicate content of your original content to help you find those stealers.

Why should I Check For Plagiarism?

That could be the most idiotic question but let we answers it briefly. If anyone else is copying your content and using it on their blog or website then your blog or website will have duplicate content because same content is available on 2 different sites and search engines would not fall in love with it so simply your website or blog will receive one or more Google animal penalty. When visitors will notice that the same content of your blog is available elsewhere they will lose faith and you will have to lose your loyal readers too. Next time in search results, visitors will give importance to others sites then your's.

1) CopyScape Plagiarism Checker Tool (visit)

CopyScape plagiarism checker tool is available to use free of limited features because it also offers the premium version which really worth the money. Mostly you need not to go and subscribe for premium version, simply go to the tool and enter your blog URL or blog post URL you want to check. It works like as search engine and displays the results of the web pages having same content if matches as the case may be.

2) Plagium Plagiarism Checker Tool (visit)

Plagium is really well worth the time and offers the different ways to check the content. Here on Plagium you will find mainly three options of checking for duplicate content, "Via Check Text, Via Check URL and Via Check File" so you can simply copy the text to the text box where the limit is 25000 characters or Check by entering the URL of your published content or finally by uploading a doc or text file.

3) PlagSpotter Plagiarism Checker Tool (visit)

Plagspotter is another good one but it does not allow us to check the whole blog or website and instead we have to go entering URLs one by one to check them for Plagiarism. But if you will sign up for a free 7 days trial, you can check for a batch of URLs in one go.

4) Duplichecker Plagiarism Checker Tool (visit)

Duplichecker is another best ever free Plagiarism checker tool which allow us to check our content by copying the text to their text box or simply uploading the doc or text file. The maximum words limit is 1500 words. Duplichecker does not allow us to check via URL.

5) Manual Search

Lastly you can search manually on search engines by entering some lines of your content in the search box then check the results if anything matches or not. This is the last method for checking the duplicate content.

How To Deal With It?

So finally if you have discovered that someone else has copied your content without your permission then now you have to fight for taking this down. Usually, what will you do? I guess you will try to contact them via their contact us page if it exists? But believe me it works only in less than 5% cases because they simply do not reply and ignore our messages or emails. Then you have to fight with them for your right and best options are filing a DMCA report on, Contacting with the hosting provider of the website/blog or reporting to Google DMCA. charge 10$ per month and it offers only 1 take down the request for free after implementing their banner in our site. Contacting with the hosting provider of that site will solve the problem mostly but the challenge is to know Who is the hosting provider because in some cases these people use some premium services to hide their hosting provider. So lastly Google has its own DMCA complaint procedure where you can submit the URL Removal Request. That is a long tutorial and we will cover it thoroughly in the upcoming post.

Do You Use More Plagiarism Checker Tools? Best, Easy and Free?
Then add in comments and help each other. Till then stay safe and enjoy.

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