Cute I Love You Quotes for My Husband
A good husband is a great blessing for a wife in this world, now it�s time to appreciate him on his birthday or your wedding anniversary with some beautiful quotes that say I love you, my husband. These sayings and lover letters are some good, simple ways to show your husband, you value him. Affirmation doesn't need to be constant or expensive. It just needs to be consistent and true. Small affirmations are good for both people in your marriage, and will go a long way! These pretty much cover all the love languages and are just small tokens of things that will, as our elementary guidance counselor tells our kids, build up trust, in your marriage.
First and foremost let me say this; I love my husband. Now we may fight and we may have our share of problems but that does not mean that I don't love him. Most couples have problems. No marriage is perfect. I know of a few that come real closes but no one knows everything about someone else's life. All I can speak to is mine. When another woman interjects herself into my marriage in a way that I feel is disrespectful to me, I believe my husband should stand beside me and support my feelings. With that being said as with all our problems we will work through this. And you have only shown your true colors and will make us stronger. Take your trifling face somewhere else and leave us alone. End of this discussion. You are inconsequential to me and mine. These following messages can be edit by putting your husband name in appropriate places.
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I love my husband |
Cute I Love You Quotes for Your Husband
1. We can talk about anything but never a harsh word. You are the kindest hearted man I have ever met. I am happy you came into my world. I love our sweet conversations after I get off work. More men should follow your lead.
2. I got to say I love my husband and I hope his day goes well tomorrow! Baby if you�re reading this just knows I love you with all my heart and that I�m proud of you for being the strong man I know you are. I am here to lift you up when you want to quit.
3. You are truly one special man. May God continue to always bless you and keep you and shower his love, favor and blessings upon you? You are truly a blessing to our family, you are the other man in our lives - with all you do for us and never ever complaining. I thank God for blessing me with you a beautiful man inside and out. We could never thank you enough. May God grant you all the desires of your heart!
4. You are such a sweet man, I love coming home to you each day after work. Life can be stressful but you calm my day. I love you, I really do. You make me smile and laugh and help me forget about the stress of the day. I love you, sweetheart. My life is perfect with you.
5. God loves me a lot to give me such a great husband and father for my children. He is better than the man I dream up as a child. He gets better with age. He brings out the best in me. I love and crush on him more every year. He is a handsome, smart, hard working and he spoils me. He is dedicated and faithful to God.
6. You are the man who did not only teach me integrity but modeled it for me. May the good Lord keep you until that implantation is complete and not only with me but all of our family under your mentorship. I still have a lot to learn from you especially kingdom principles. I love you, sweetheart.
7. I will always be thankful for the way you love me and that I hope that we will continue to have this old school love till the day we part.
8. All I know is this the happiest I have been in a long time. I am thankful for my life and I am thankful for the man in my life, my husband. I went thru life lost and aimless but you showed me how to smile and how to laugh. MY life is amazing and complete. You give me a reason to wake up each day and smile and to face each day. You are my world and just know I love you with all my heart.
9. I love my husband and my children and that are for sure. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know no matter what they will always be here.
10. Little things that happen every day remind me just how much I love my husband. He is one of a kind and irreplaceable. I love him more and more with every day I am blessed to have with him. I love his smile, his laugh, the sound of his voice. I love watching him with my kids. I love that he's playful and the way we joke with each other. I love that he loves me and he shows it. I love the way he smells. I love that he cuddles with me. I love that he helps me clean the house. I love laying my head on his chest at night and hearing his heart beat. I just love it all. I love our life together.
11. I love my husband for so many reasons I have never met a man like this before besides my daddy he's the greatest. I love you handsome and I mean that with the bottom of my heart.
12. I love my husband and even though he drives me crazy I am so thankful for all that he does. I am so proud of him; he is such an amazing dad and husband! I am so thank you love! I'd be lost without you.
13. I love you so very much. It's been 7 years since we said our vows at the altar. I would not change anything. You�re my dream come true, my knight and shining armor, my first crush, my world. I take you to be my husband, I promise to love you in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, till death do us part. We have had many rough patches, but we have always looked to God for guidance and were still standing. I love you baby to the moon and back.
14. We have had many wonderful memories together. He has been such a wonderful husband and never denied me anything. He is always thoughtful and funny as hell. He can make a boring party into a laughing joy. He is and always will be my soul mate.
15. Today we make a year, and to be honest, I'm the luckiest wife in the world to have a beautiful, smart, funny, and independent guy like you as my husband. Over this past year, we have made thousands of memories together. We went to six flags, our favorite restaurant, The Cheesecake Factory, and the Sears tower. I taught you how to drive and you taught me how to read music. You are not only my husband, you're also my best friend and I can always count on you to help me if I'm struggling or when I need to talk with someone, you're always there to listen and you always in my ringside supporting me on whatever I want to accomplish. Thank you, baby, and just know that I'm always here too.
16. I love your handsome face. I love your infectious laugh. I love how witty and intelligent you are. I love our babies. I love the life we have created together. I love that you make me want to be a better person. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for loving me and always being by my side. I will cherish you forever my love.
17. I love my husband more than anything in the world and I feel so blessed that God lets me be a part of his life. He is my absolute everything. He is everything I've ever wanted, everything I've ever prayed for and everything God knew I'd need. I'm madly in love with my husband and I don't care if that disgusts you or whatever he is my husband and I plan on showing him how much I love him every single day.
18. I just wanted to take a minute and tell everyone how much I love my husband. Thank you sweetie very much for taking such good care of everything about me, I couldn't do this without you. I know it's not been easy when you�re all alone. Thank you for taking care of the house and doing everything I haven't had the chance to do because of my hectic schedule. I love you more than words can say and I wanted to make sure he works knows it.
19. It's funny how life goes so fast by your side my little one. It so easy be with you and forget about the rest. You are my peace and my safe port and I know that we have many and many years of adventures waiting for us, because I�m sure that we just start to conquer the world. I love you my sweet husband.
20. I just want to tell everyone how much I love my husband. He is my best friend and is so good to me. I have always said that it's the little things that make me happy and him showing up to see me at work is one of those small things that makes me realize how much he loves me too.
21. I love my husband not because he is handsome but because my husband responded to the opportunity that God has given for breakthrough and my husband trust in the God who entrusted me to be a helper for him.
22. Life has one amazing turn one after the other. We question where am I supposed to be? Sometimes we go thru life aimlessly. But in the end we are shown exactly where we should be. I have learned some hard lessons but they taught me things as well. I am exactly where I should be in my life and I would not change it for anything. I can truly say I am being happy with him in my life and all reward goes to my sweet husband.
23. My world has become a better place because of you. I love the way you call me beautiful like it�s my name. I love the way you hug me and make me feel so secure. I love the way you make me laugh and smile every day. I am so ever thankful that you came into my life. You rock my world, I love you sweetheart, and you are my life.
Short I love you letters for your husband!
These are sample love letter you may post on the Facebook on your husband birthday or on your anniversary. You can also edit and add name of your husband in these letters and don�t forget to give credit to this blog.
Dear husband_________
you are my special person, the person that has captured my hearts more than a decade and a half ago and continues to do so each and every day! I think again of when God first brought you into my life. We have had many years together and many more anniversaries since then, and we discovered that love is so much more than we imagined. Love is waking up next to each other in the morning and falling asleep beside each other at night; it�s sharing all of lives good days and bad days and knowing that no matter what happens we will always be together. It�s laughing; praying, loving and living together in a way that makes us better people and creates beautiful memories. Love is the gift we get to open every day. Thank you for giving and being that gift for me. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do. You are sweet and handsome and kind and caring and funny and you're a wonderful husband to me. I pray that God may continue to bless you in all that you do and that he keeps you at my side for many more decades. May the Lord make his blessings to shine upon you, and be gracious to you? May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. I Hope your day is as wonderful as you are. I love you always.
Dear husband_________
I love everything about you my handsome man from your goofy moments to the most handsome smile I've ever seen. Don't ever forget how amazing you are and if you do I will always be here to remind you so don't you worry my little snuggle bug. I love you so much! I love spending time with you because our memories are the best and always make me smile. I'm so happy I met you, we are so much alike and I love it because you understand me like no other. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You're my best friend, my therapist, my doctor, my shoulder to cry on, my boyfriend, my lover, my soul mate, and my favorite my handsome. I love you handsome! I know you will do amazing things in the next few years and of course for the rest of your life but my favorite part is I get to be a part of those things, watch you do them and be there every step of the way with you. You're so unique and determined and I can't wait to see the amazing things you will do! I would love to start a family with you someday, you'd be an amazing husband and dad you're caring, funny, sweet, smart, snuggly, and my little love bug. Never let the hard times get you down handsome because I will always be here to catch you like you did me I won't let you drown princess will always take care of you. You mean the world to me and I can't wait to see you soon handsome.
Dear husband_________
I just really want to give a shout out to my husband. I can't think of one other person who has been so supporting and caring, accepting, nurturing, trusting, loving and affectionate as he is. We may have had a bumpy start but through work and God in the center of everything we made it through. He is so hard working and provides astoundingly. He is a God-fearing man and obeys the Lord as well as he can. He protects me and guides me in the right direction if I stray. He lifts me up and prays with me every day and talks to the Lord every day. He prays for me and prays for our future children. He doesn't look at other women or even think about them. He has eyes only for me and me for him. He has given up a destructive life so he could be with me forever. I have loved him since I was 18 and he was 22. He was the cutest boy on the block and I crushed on him for 7 years secretly. Nobody knew. When he first said he liked me I literally almost fainted, and my heart pounded to a dangerous speed every time we hung out. The first time he kissed me I had a legit panic attack and almost fainted. We got married six months later. I love you honey.
Being a woman is hard. You're a wife, mother, nurse, teacher, maid, and a model by night. Being a woman requires patience, kindness and heart full of love. You got to work like a horse and you're almost always not much appreciated. But every morning I open my eyes; I look to my right and see my husband. I look to my left and see my children. And then I remember why I'm a woman. My purpose in life is to be the best wife and best mother to my kids. I wouldn't trade that in for anything in the world.