Top 5 Free SEO Testing Tools

1) WooRank
WooRank is free to generate 1 report weekly. It does the premium job for free. However, if you need some more detailed in-depth analysis of your website then you can signup for premium services starting at 49$ per month. We don't think you need to signup because the free report includes a comprehensive data as you can see in the image below we have checked our blog with it. On right side, you will see the overall score and on left side you will see the points of review woorank has completed analysis of. Scroll down to see the details of the report with improvement suggestions to follow.
2) Pingdom
Pingdom website speed test tool is available free to check the speed of your website. You can also sign up free to receive the alerts if anytime your websites goes down. Pingdom checks the servers from different places around the world. With pingdom speed test tool, you will get plenty of information like as load time, CSS, JavaScripts, images, tips on how to improve the speed of your website, testing from different locations around the world with real browsers to know how fast it loads on different locations and share your results with friends.
3) SEObin
SEO Bin is free tool to optimize the Title and Description tags of your website in a better way. Watch the video tutorial to know how to use this free tool.
4) WebPageTest
WebPage Test is another amazing free tool to test the speed of your website from different locations around the globe with different browsers. In your report you will get the whole information of load time with waterfall charts, speed optimization checks and suggestions for improvements.
5) Virante SEO Tools
On Virante SEO Tools page, you will find a huge list of SEO tools which were not available for public before but now they are available to use publicly. However, use of some advanced tools require coupon code.
Conclusion: These tools provided above are free to use and every tool gives us comprehensive and useful report regarding SEO of our website. By using these tools, we get to know what we are missing and how can we improve. These free tools not only provide us the detailed in-depth review but also provide the suggestions to improve. The best things online are free :) If you know some more free tools then please recommend them in comments.