Sample Words of Thanks - Thank You Notes
Are you looking for some cute thank you quotes for friends, employees or family members? Well, here you pick a suitable appreciation note for your loved ones. The latest research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain healthy relationships. We should learn to thank God for the people that are in our lives. I strongly believe that there is a reason why there are certain people in our lives. We ought to learn from their presence in our lives. I personally believe that the people in my life are there for a reason and those who left, left for a reason. Yes at times it is hard but God knows best. Instead of trying to trespass into people�s lives, why don't you appreciate those who are around? Sometimes it is not because we are isolated from people but we choose to not see the significance of those around. God placed those people in your life for a reason. They might not shine like gold but maybe their testimony or experiences will be of aid to you. I thank God for my family and friends.
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Thank you notes |
Thank you, quotes from family and friends!
Today, I am thankful for coffee, cool weather, quiet moments to reflect, and lots of change. Not ready to announce just yet what this change is, but I'd say it's everything we've been working so hard for. Today, I am grateful for life's roller coaster because the ups feel pretty damn good after all of the downs from this year.
It seems like every time I turn around, there is another great tragedy that saddens many. The only thing I can think about is how grateful I am. I may not have much, but I have the love and support of my family and friends to get me through the hard times. I am so thankful to you all. I have no idea what I would do without you. You are my reason. Thank you for being my reason. I love you, from the bottom of my heart.
Be grateful today for those who lay down their lives in service to others. Those who serve our communities and country are easily overlooked until we have a crisis - military personnel, police, firefighters, and others. While each is just humans and certainly not perfect, they all give to make our lives safer.
Today I want you to take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left write down everything that has gone wrong in your life, every disappointment, every setback, every mistake. On the right side write down what you learned from it. On the back of the paper, I want you to write in big letters. I'm still here and thankful.
I am thankful for new beginnings that each day I get to start fresh to make good healthy choices for me. Holidays and holiday food tend to pull me off course. Yesterday my choices were not stellar. I struggle to forgive myself for my own bad choices. Thankfully today I made it to the gym and am feeding my body well. Today I am happy to say that I am on track.
I know I say this a lot, but I really can't emphasize it enough! I am so terribly lucky to have such wonderful people in my life. I'm not sure how I came from feeling so alone and having everything last year, to having nothing and feeling like I have the world with you guys around me this year. I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as I have amazing people like you all, I know I can make it through whatever life throws at me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I love you so much. You all know who you are.
I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone who supports me. I appreciate the support you all showed me hard times. It means a lot to me to see that many of you guys show your true love for me. I wish everyone a great day.
I have so much to be thankful for! Among the most important to me are my beautiful happy and healthy children, my awesome family who is always there for me, my relationship with God who guides me through it all, my friends who keep me sane, my health, my home, my amazing, supportive, and super strong wife who has never given up on me, a warm bed to sleep in, the awesome food I'm about to cook, and the men and women who have given or will give everything they have to protect all of these things for me and mine. God is great and I am thankful.
Today, I am thankful for grace and mercy. They have been with me throughout my entire life. Grace is when you receive what you don't deserve. Mercy is when you don't receive what you do deserve. Without these constant companions, I know I would not be here. So today, I salute grace and mercy and thank God for allowing me to experience both.
Today, I am grateful for unexpected blessings. I was blessed today by a friend. When I tried to refuse the blessing, she shared how I had been kind to her in the past and she never forgot it. The lesson for me is this: when you are prompted to do something, even if it makes no sense, do it. You are not only being obedient, you will be blessed for your obedience.
Today I'm thankful for my family. For their unbridled and unconditional support of every choice, I've made in life. They never told me what to do or what I should be, but everything I am is through the confidence they gave me to be myself. They trust me with my life, with my personal mission to achieve greatness and I have no intention of letting them down.
I am extremely thankful for my family, especially my parents. It can't be an easy thing to conceive and support when your child says they want to be an artist, let alone an Actor. But they've been there. I'm making moves and making this artistic career path work for me and I still have my mother and father supporting me every step of the way.
I am feeling more confident, focused, and self-aware than I've ever been. To all of the people who have ever believed in me, thank you for the support. For all of the people who have challenged me or try to deter me from my goals, thank you as well, for giving me the determination to show you how dumb it is to stand against me.
Today, I am thankful for rest. I have a tendency to put myself on auto-pilot and just go, do what needs to be done. I used to tell myself that I would rest when the work was done, but alas, the work in my life is never done. I am still in the midst of repairing my mind and body from the times I have not treated them well. But at least now, I know the importance of listening and obeying when my mind and body say it's time to slow down. I love you rest.
Today I am thankful for divine timing. Yes, it can seem that your problems will never end, that your dreams will not come to pass. But I am a living witness that God has a plan for you and for me. He will bring it about in His timing. Continue to live in His timing. Don't rush it and don't interfere with His plan. Manifestation is on the way.
Today, I am thankful for my walks. Years ago I started walking for my health, but I discovered another benefit - hearing from God. My mind tends to race, but when I walk, I can hear so clearly from Him. From my walks, I have gained both physical and spiritual health. All is not perfect in my life, but my walks are one thing that is as close to perfect as anything on Earth can be. He has taken my walks and unfolded my life in so many great ways! Thank you, God, for my walks and the partners, I have had along the way.
Today, I am grateful to be a wife and mother. I did not plan to be either, but God had other plans for me. Being a wife and mother has taught me so much about life and has molded my faith. I love my family and I cannot see how my life would have been worth living without them. Yep, we love, argue, beef, roll eyes, cheer each other on. I think you get the picture! No one's life and circumstances are perfect, but this is my life and I think I will keep it.
I'm thankful for my little family. We may not be perfect and may get it wrong from time to time but we have a God that loves us, forgives us, and offers us grace. And that which we have freely received we freely give to one another. This keeps our family from coming apart at the seams.
Today, I am grateful to be a helper. I have pretty much known all of my life what I wanted to do for a living - help others. It is a gift that I don't take lightly. I know it is a privilege to be able to help people heal and see hope. I am grateful to God for being able to impact others lives, and in turn, have them impact mine as well. I can't see myself doing anything else. Thank you God for using me, the most perfectly imperfect person I know!
I am thankful for a roof over my head, warm bed, hot shower, clothes, food, clean water, a car, money for gas, the beautiful sunshine, rain, flowers, clouds, green grass, the smell of burning wood outside in the early mornings, a big yard out in the Country for my girls to grow up and play, money to pay the bills, we may break even most weeks but God has never allowed us to go without the things we NEED, they may seem silly to some but so often we forget they could be taken away in the blink of an eye. Thank you, Lord, you are so GOOD. Every day, sometimes twice a day, I write what I'm grateful for - down to the detail. As a result, all kinds of abundance a have shown up. What is your gratitude practice? How has it changed your life?
1- Birthday thank you messages
2- Condolences Thank You Notes
3- Funeral Thank You Messages
1- Birthday thank you messages
2- Condolences Thank You Notes
3- Funeral Thank You Messages
Sample Thank You Notes for Friendship
Thank you for being a real best friend, for never leaving me, for always being there for me, I only have a few people in my life like that. Thank you for being there for me at 3am when I'm crying alone, thank you for being a shoulder for me to cry on in my deepest and saddest moments. Thank you for letting me pour my heart out to you, thank you for being there and giving me some of the best advice ever. Like when you tell me to "stop going back to the same girl that's broken my heart a 1000 times" because I thought she had changed. Thank you for staying with me through constant sadness, change, chaos and happiness. Thank you for just being you.
I'm glad I can be there to help you whenever you need something and you can always message me. I really can't put all this into words right now. My life wouldn't be the same without you. I probably would be lost if you would ever leave and just give up. We have learned to walk by each other and we've learned each other's flaws, we have tried what feels like an ocean together but I wouldn't change that for another girl best friend.
Sample Thank You Notes for your Boyfriend
Thank you for showing me that you can be someone I can trust and someone who is just flat out amazing. Thank you for making me realizes you aren't like most other girls out there who only friend you to get into the guys pants and becomes their friend with benefits. When you're next to me I feel like I can talk about anything to you. You�re one of a kind, and I know that we don't talk much right now but I miss you so much. You haven't only been my rock but you have also been my anchor. I better stop here or this will be forever long.
You aren't only my best friend but you're my food buddy. You always have food when I want some or too lazy to cook anything. You are normally the first person who will bring me food over to my house and chill with me or I'll go to your house and eat there then have to buy you more food.
This post goes out to my best friend. We've known each other for like 2 almost 3 years now. I can't thank you enough for putting up with me and my attitude over the years. We've had many up and downs and times where I didn't like you as much, but you're my best friend and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I'll always be here for you. You were there in my worst moments and my best moments. You've made me who I am today. If it wasn't for you and a few others that support me and keep me going then I don't think I would be where I am today and as strong as I am. Don't let people get to you and break you down because you are better than them and you always will be. If they want to bring you down because they have a pitiful life then let them try but you're amazing. Your haters are your biggest supporters because either way they are thinking about you and stalking your page. I'm glad I can say I've been here for you for almost 3 years now and only didn't talk to you twice because of some issues but we came back and are closer than ever now even though sometimes you won't tell me what is wrong and why you're crying. You're one of my reasons my day is filled with laughter and smiles. You are one reason why I laugh even when I want to cry.