Happy One Month Anniversary Poems for Her

With a lovely feeling send these one-month anniversary poems to your girlfriend today. I could write a thousand words poems for her on our one-month anniversary celebration. Have you ever met someone and you were really attracted to them at first sight and you keep talking to them not knowing that they would become the best thing to ever happen to you? I have it and it�s not about the money or what I can get out of a person. It�s about the way they make me feel. The butterflies I get when she looks at me, the uncontrollable smile that comes across my face or the chills down my spine when she touches me and how my knees weaken when she kisses me. I never want this to go away! To some people wanting to be by her side, every day may seem a bit clingy, obsessive, or even suffocating. I care about this woman so freaking much. I have never been this happy in my life. It may not be official. It may never be official but as long as she is in my life I don't care the title. All I want for my first-month anniversary gift is her.
one month anniversary poems for her

One month anniversary poems for her!

Restless and you
One month ago tonight I was restless and
I was so excited and I couldn't sleep!
To think tomorrow I will be married
To the woman of my dreams,
The inspiration to my life,
The love that has grown so much stronger
With every moment, we have been together,
The purpose that drives me to be the best
That I can be so you will be proud of me!
I love you, my love, more than you could ever imagine!

Happy first month Anniversary to my wonderful fiance and me
We've come to long ways with all our ups and downs
But it wouldn't change a thing
We are having our first child together in July of next year
We both are so excited to start our family together
I can�t wait till what the near future brings us
Happy Anniversary my boo, I love you

My vision
God has blessed us with a vision that requires us
To prosper in our marriage
Giving up during the storms isn't part of that vision
Becoming one takes more time than just changing
Your last name and joining bank accounts
It can take a lifetime!
One month into our vision and I are proud
To be the wife of you
Happy Anniversary babe, I love you!

Amazing you 
It's an amazing feeling to have true love!
One month and awaiting a baby later
It seems each day I wake up I fall more in love
With my wife's annoying behind!
Our relationship is FAR from perfect
She may drive me absolutely insane some days
But there's no doubt about it what we have been real;
I'm so grateful for her!

Being a husband
Two of the most honorable things one can be in this life,
In my opinion are a good Husband and a good future father
I am honored to be your husband and hope
To be both in the near future
Loving you has given me a new life
You are like a breath of fresh air
Coming from an alcoholic broken home was not easy,
But being with you has given what I knew
As marriage a beautiful new meaning!
I could never imagine my life would be
This great with you by my side
I feel like I can conquer the world with one hand
As long as my other hand is tightly holding yours

Only for you
You all may not believe in opening
The car door for you girl
Call me old fashion or what have you
But I am honored and blessed to have
A genuine and loving wife to open a car door for
It's the least I can do
Since I met you,
Your hand won't touch a door handle
If I can help it, love you.

I am today
Today, I�m celebrating 1 month of marriage
I've learned how to love and like,
Love and not like, agree and agree to disagree
Through the days, we've shared,
Laughed, cried and struggled
Together we continue the quest for
Absolute contentment in all things
We'll let you know when we get there
I love you, honey!

I Love my wife!
Thank you for being so amazing,
Supportive and carrying through
My recent personal and financial issues
You mean the world to me and I know
Everything will always be OK with you by my side!
I am truly blessed!

Over the days
I want to wish my girl of 30 days Happy Anniversary
She has always been such a positive influence in my life
She has been just the most awesome wife,
Marvelously I am blessed to have such a wonderful girlfriend
I appreciate all of her support now and over the days
Her continued willingness to help me with
Business, hiking, gardening and of course
With our doggy and family needs
Thank you for the all of these wonderful moments
I love you so much
May God continue to bless us both in this marriage!

Since you
Happy 30 days Anniversary to my dear fiance
Best Friend, Soul Mate and my everything
This was one fast month filled with struggles,
Love and anything you can think of
But we as a strong couple we got thru it
And we have many years to go.
I love you no need to explain anything
Because you know what�s up
Since day 1 we been rocking
We have come a long way
 Especially now that we are awaiting
Our precious baby girl

Feel like a king
Today is my 1st month wedding anniversary
I am so thankful for my wife of beautiful 30 days
She has been the most awesome wife and friend
She has sacrificed so much over the months to provide
For her relationship and has always put us first
She is one of the most loyal women that I know
And never complains about it
She is so loving and caring and makes me feel
Like a king every day.
She cooks dinner for me almost every night
And helps me clean the house, including washing clothes
She is so amazing and I'm so blessed by God
To have her as my life partner
Thank you God and may you give me another
Great years with this woman
I love you beautiful, happy anniversary.

You and me
As our first month wedding anniversary quickly approaches
I reflect back on some of the first times we hung out,
Laughed, photographed together and fell in love
When I met you, I knew someday you would be my wife
And now we are days away from our 1 month.
Feeling, blessed, happy, emotional, nervous and excited
About our future, you still give me butterflies in my tummy
And make me smile no matter how my day is going
Just by thinking about you
You are my rock, my love, my one and only,
Thanks for giving me a chance and letting walk that mile

Related: Anniversary quotes for husband

Love and fights
You are my world yeah we have our fights
But that's what couples are supposed to do
We've been together for almost 1 month
A very short period and in that 31 days
We have grown so much
I have a beautiful life and a smart wife
And that make me because you are here
You make me realized we can't live without each other
I love you; you�re an amazing wife and I am an amazing hubby
Yeah you piss me off but that's you 

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