Benefits of reading

    One of the abilities of human beings is the ability to read and reason.In this era of globalism,the progress of science and technology has resulted the invention of many electronic gadgets.These gadgets makes many students to lose their interest in their studies.They think that reading is a lousy and boring activity but it is actually a relaxing and enjoyable activity indeed. There is a great deal of benefits that we can get by reading.

    First and foremost, we can gain a lot of knowledge by reading.As the Malay proverb says, "reading is the bridge of knowledge". We can learn a lot  of new things and knowledge by reading.For example,we can know about the gigantic whale and tiny,microscopic bacteria is through reading the science fiction book.We might also meet new vocabularies while reading and we can look for the meaning in the dictionary.Thus,reading can widen our vocabulary and improve our writing.

    Besides that,one can catch up with the latest news through reading.This can be done by reading newspapers.One can be updated with the latest news by reading the local news or the oversea news.As people say,we will not be "the frog underneath the coconut shell".One can also be alerted about the latest news like snatch theft by ringing alarms bells across the country.Thus,we can be alerted to avoid being a snatched theft victim as prevention is better than cure.

    Apart from that,reading could be a very beneficial pass time.We can fill the leisure time beneficially by reading.As the saying goes,time is gold.One can be avoided from being involved in non beneficial activities like loitering,gangsterism and vandalising.One can read either read fiction or non-fiction books but they should be good books.As the saying,books and friends should be few but good.

    Last but not least,one will be more disciplined by reading.This is because one may have his time filled and he or she might have arranged their daily routine.One will use his or her time wisely. One can also craft a timetable and leave aside some time for reading.Besides,one will also have deep interest in reading if he continues to read for a period of time.As the saying goes,practice makes perfect.

     In a nutshell,reading plays an utmost importance in importing knowledge to us.Reading should be practised by everyone to erect knowledgeable community.Parents should also play their roles in cultivating interest of reading in their children.Parents also should be a role model to their children as the saying like father like son.

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