Cute Good Morning Texts for Your Boyfriend
Have you communicated with your boyfriend today? Take a few moments to call or send a cute good morning text to wake him up and let him know you're thinking of him. Definitely, he will enjoy these little funny messages from you.
In my eyes my boyfriend is the best; I don't want to know what you see. For the longest everybody always got something to say about who I date. But who's there when I need a shoulder 2am in the morning? Or who is dealing with my attitude not because they have to but because they care? Who makes the effort to call and text me every morning 6 o'clock before I even wake up? Who ask me how my day going every day? Or snap me just to make me laugh or see if I'm okay? Care about my education and future? None of you all doing it but the person nobody wants to see me with does it all. Whoever doesn�t like it both ways? He chose me so don't be mad, and I chose him. You don't determine my happiness. I'm not going anywhere and he not either straight like that. Nobody I've met got me like he got me.
A nice good morning image with having a cute love caption speaks volumes. It matters who your mate is. Not only should they be excited with you, they should be your number one supporter, your personal cheer team. Someone who professes their love and devotion to you should not be silent during the ground work or when you're on the grand stage. Pay attention to that gets happy about your success. Nothing feels better when every morning your boyfriend wakes you up before your alarm just to call you and those good morning deep texts. This post is full of cute good morning quotes, SMS messages, images, paragraphs, poems and lovely morning images, now the choice is yours. Use these morning captions as your Whatsapp status or may stick it with your Instagram photos.
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Cute Good Morning Texts For Him!
1- Good morning my sunshine. True love will take you where friends can't. You can't walk into your next season with your present level of true love. The grace that's coming to you requires a new commitment to work through you.
2- It's a new day. What's your happy? Remember that you can choose your emotions. It matters not where you are in life. If it's just you, you and me or you and some little ones, your devotion determines your emotion. Be committed to good. Be committed to you. Drop a line using ?my happy is and let me know.
3- It�s time to prepare for your morning workout. Who's up? Let's go! You can do this. Preparation positions you for dedication. Remember it's day by day. Each time you move, you get a result. And each time you sleep in, you get a result.
4- A man who is healthy in mind, body and soul desires a lady to compliment that. There's more to womanhood than being cute and wearing nice clothes. Accessorize your soul and spirit. Now wake up with a smile, I am waiting for you. Give yourself the green light. Be confident in who you are. It's the first thing people notice. Good morning.
5- Healthy eating is a lifestyle. Choosing fresh green veggies increases your health and energy. What are you having for breakfast? I'll have watermelon after this text. Have a good day my sunshine.
6- I know you are not a fan of the 'real woman's mantra, but all words are true beginning with your girlfriend. Have a happy good morning my best boyfriend.
7- Good morning. Happy Sunday! I'm up. I'm blessed. I'm moving. I have sight and vision. My boyfriend is sleeping, you need to wake up and send me a morning kiss. You are my morning ache healer and my everything. Life is so amazing with you.
8- Good morning prince, eat your breakfast and do your every morning rituals properly, don't mess your hairstyle baby. Please take care and don't go near to a girl understand sweaty? You are mine and mine alone. I love you so much.
9- From the very beginning to now; you have made every morning bright with every morning text you've sent. You have made every night peaceful with the sweetest goodnight text. Your support and understanding are remarkable. I appreciate everything about you. I'm beyond lucky to have a boyfriend who helps me make the right decisions, cooks for me at the slightest comment of food, tells me I'm beautiful every day, wants to watch Netflix as much as I do and is there for me as I am there for him. You're an amazing guy; I want nothing more than to make you happy. I�m the luckiest girl in the world.
10- Good morning. So I've been lying in bed trying to process everything that happened last night, thank you from every angle of my heart. You came. You mingled. You stayed. You ordered food. You participated. You are simply the best. Better than all the rest.
11- Good morning, make sure before you post your photos on social Facebook with the extra and overly-done enhancements that you take into account of the girls who really know you and have seen you in person. As your girlfriend, I feel really sorry for you. I see these sober pictures of you on the Facebook and an entirely naughty boyfriend in real life.
12- When you come up against a problem, go to an expert to help you get out of the problem. Do not go to your friends so they can whine, moan and complain about you as it doesn't fix the problem. It just creates negative energy. Make this morning bright with your beautiful smile and never down your head.
13- Every morning I pray that you become everything you were created to be and that you are watered and renewed daily with abundant love and exponential growth.
14- I can't emphasize this enough. Texting should never replace full conversation. The good morning picture quotes are an indication of when texting is used appropriately to say hi or I'm thinking of you and inappropriately when face to face conversation is needed to avoid love fights. You cannot successfully date me via texting and social media.
15- Today you need to struggle up the hills, but you didn't give up or stop. Sometimes the body doesn't want to go, but the mind says yes you can. Mind and body alignment is essential to your good health. Good health is possible for you. Did you work out this morning? If yes, drop a picture of your workout in my text box.
16- If they SMS text you a cancellation run. Respond thank you. They are showing you how they handle things. Life happens to us all. Pick up the phone and call. Texting is the easy route and minimal route that lacks accountability and screams; well at least I said something. Grow up. Require more.
17- I said a prayer for you. Yes you, that you will have peace that surpasses all of your understanding and intelligence, that your woes will become wows. Your fears become faith. Your hurts become your health. Your tears become triumphs. Your mishaps become your message. Your rejections become your projections. Your breakdowns become your breakthroughs. Your pains become your gains.
18- Good morning. Did you work out today? Drop a picture of your workout today. What are your fitness goals? You can be ten pounds lighter by Thanksgiving by switching to a plant-based lifestyle and exercising twice per day. There is nothing drastic, just small changes. Can you commit to you? Will you commit to you? I'll help you. I look forward to your transformation.
19- It�s really not complicated to keep a relationship. You just have to know a balance and know the foundation. Plus keep in mind what that person loves, hates. What�s their weakness and what are their strengths? You just need to know that person period. Have a super morning my prince charming.
20- Good morning, sometimes, there will be moments in life that will surprise you. Sometimes, you never know how much a person really cares about you until you ask. It might mean the world to you.
21- Communication is 95% important in any relationship. If you do not do this, then expect change for the worst period!! Let your spouse know how you feel. Have a nice day!
22- If something is wrong with your relationship, question yourself first then your spouse. Only then will you find a meaning to it all.
23- Good morning. It's time to move your body. You've been talking about getting fit all year. This is the day. Each day is the day to live your best and healthiest life. Let's go. Each morning I'll wake you up to get moving'. Can you do this?
24- Good morning, I want to show my boyfriend the images of things I want to be constantly surrounded by. You have to see it first. What do you see?
25- Sometimes the unhealthy part about relationships is that we expect people to be able to relate to us when we have not even taken the time to know ourselves. We're unable to clearly articulate what self-love looks like in the applied form, but expect others to know how to love us. Good morning!
Sweet Good Morning Paragraphs for Him!
My girlfriend wrote me the cutest long paragraphs ever. Every time I�m in a bad mood, or simply just missing her I read it and it never fails to put a smile on my face.
1) I wake up every morning to a text calling me beautiful and telling me how much I'm loved. Not a lot of you think that's a big deal, but it�s the small things like that that matter most. And that's why my boyfriend's winning! He knows how to treat me like a princess. And for that, he's going to get the best out of me and this relationship! Because it's not money or gifts or dates that make me happy, it's the time and effort he puts into this. Always making sure I know he cares. He takes time out of his busy day just to text me something sweet, and it makes my day! And my day is usual made every day. That's something to appreciate because not a lot of guys out there know how to love their woman right. But he has definitely got it down pat. I love you, babe. You're seriously the best thing that's ever happened to me and I absolutely adore you! I love letting people know how crazy in love I am with you because the truth is, I'm never going to love another the way I love you. So I might as well let the world know.
2) The art of ballroom dancing is very beneficial to a relationship. It teaches you to be in tuned and connected to your partner at all times. The man always leads the dance. I don't care how many degrees you have on your wall ladies. It matters not the organizations you run, the boards you sit on, the square footage of your home, the color on the bottom of your shoes and how big your car is. It matters not how strong and independent you are. There are no brownie points for any of that. And he leads the dance in order to position and create the best experience for you. Learning the dance together supports communication, listening, compatibility, vulnerability, trust, and transparency.
3) Likes, comments, shares, and inboxes don't mean you're in an exclusive relationship. It means that you're on social media! Asking to know your thoughts on marriage is not a marriage proposal. A sign that a man wants to get married is when he asks you to marry him. Just because their friends like you does not mean you're good for them. They have to like and want you for themselves.
4) You'll meet someone and they'll put a lot of things into perspective. Why some things didn't work out, why others took longer to develop. They'll put questions to rest, things you didn't understand before their being will bring clarity to your life without even trying. And their words and actions always line up. Appreciate those that change your perspective and life for the better. Tell them and show them how much they are cherished.
5) Some people in your life were destined to only take you as far as the junction you parted ways! No matter how that friendship or relationship ended, it doesn't mean that person was bad; they simply ran their course to the end. The day I figured this out was the day I became free from holding grudges and bitterness toward people who ran their course in my life. We really need to understand that everyone that enters our life may not be permanent fixtures. If we try to hold on to someone who ran their course, you are only slowing down your progress and secretly making that person unhappy. When it's done it's done! Strengthen up and prepare your heart to move on when necessary instead of becoming a wreck for something that's meant to be a blessing. It's never easy to lose a friend but trust me, you are not smarter than God, nor can you see as far into the future as He can so relax and trust him to work it out for both your good. Don't wish that person bad, they simply played their role and should also have happiness. It takes maturity to wish someone who walked out on you well but it speeds up your healing process and reveals the next level even faster.
6) So many people are in this predicament already and just don�t know how to get out of feeling sacrificial. You should know if a person respects you by how they go about treating you. Everyone's love is worth something. I don�t care who you are. For the people that are having second thoughts and are feeling this way, listen. There is still the opportunity for you to speak up. Let you other have to know how you feel. Come to a mutual agreement without yelling at each other. Try to be civil and honest about yourself and your feelings. It�s the only way to get through tough situations and life. Your dignity, self-worth and integrity should never be put in a situation where you have to question this. If you are then you might be in the wrong relationship or wrong love for you.
7) This amazing man is my boyfriend and he is why I get to be called wife. We sort of grew up together, I was so young and ill-equipped to be a wife but I fell madly, deeply and passionately in love with him from the start! He has always been, and will always be, my sunshine male friend. He gives the very best hugs on the planet, has an amazing world view and a giver's heart. His music is a blessing that I am so amazed by and I am extremely proud to have him as my husband! I love you forever and beyond.
Good Morning Poems for Him!
Here are some really cute love poems for your boyfriend to wake him up in a quite romantic way. Simply text these poems into his inbox or post one on his Facebook timeline. When your boyfriend is laying in bed on his day off watching and you comes home from work with a poem you just randomly wrote for him. A very thoughtful, put a lot of heart into it, poetry.
The time I have the most to just sit and think
About every little thing in my life is late at nightWhen I�m up lying in bed alone or with you
To appreciate everything that God sends my way,
I may not be rich or have everything that I dream for
But I do have everything I need and get a lot that we just want
I couldn't have been more blessed to have been
Given the chance to be a mother,
I may have been young but I�d NEVER go back
In time and change a thing about young and fall in love
I look at my husband and I feel so complete inside,
Something I�ve never felt before,
A really tight bond between us too
It�s the best thing in the world
I�m lucky to be his wife,
He is absolutely gorgeous and has such a big personality,
Never afraid to just be His
And he�s a big impact in my life
I really like the way we communicate with my soul mate
We communicate like husband and wife
He can't make a decision on his own
He always needs my opinions before he makes any decision
I never found someone so sweet like him
I really love this guy unconditionally
We just love taking pictures together
Busy taking selfies for Facebook and Instagram
I just can't wait to start a family with him
A cap and a smile, sweet perfume, great hair
Matching shoes, matching tie, flawless hairstyle with care
Contagious laughter, jokes on deck, as masculine as lace
If you went an hour without elegance, you�d be the poster child for grace
Two bodies, one love story, several romantic scenes
Peacemaker, icebreaker, mentor, encourager of disheartened souls
A guy, an advisor, a supporter, a companion, and boyfriend
What I wouldn�t give to hear you giggle, or to be wrapped in your gentle hug
To smell your soft, lovely fragrance, feel your gentle touch
So you see, it�s just not possible to imagine a life without you here
I�ve watched you just get romantic with age, more handsome and wiser with every year
But I know that where you are right now, it�s my heart the same old place
Your love cannot over; your heart has been made whole
Your soul is puffed up and perfect, no flaw or friction to take its toll
And though I will miss you every second of every day, I will not grow bitter inside my heart
I will strive to be the girl you taught me to be, and I will not depart
I will hear you in my children�s laughter; I will see you in my heart eyes
I Love you, I mean it, and you are my best and closest friend
Watch over me, like always, sweetheart until we meet again
It is the truth
It is real
Even though I know you feel
Like you're walking in your sleep
It is plain
It is simple
At the same time unbelievable
Like the sun shining in the rain
Time will run ahead of you
Hold out its hand and tempt you
With a golden chalice of spring
And the wind may push you forward
As you smell the land it's
But even it must pause to breathe
Stranded in the doldrums
You'd be the horse that paddled
The ocean
Whom everyone would save
But the ship would sail past you
Like time should have before you
And nobody would hear your scream
It is life
It is love
It is as great as the universe
Let time find you another day.
A Message to Every Boyfriend:
1. When last did you buy your girl a chocolate, flowers and a card, that doesn�t cost more than 5$.
2. When last did you take a night walk with her, just for chat?
3. Have you ever took her to a bar for few shots and teach her how to play pool.
4. When last did you send her a long text expressing your feelings?
5. Surprise her on a Sunday morning and grab a Pizza.
Related: I Love You Paragraph
Those are things that melt a girl�s heart. Girls don�t want your expensive gifts but the small one with lots of love. Facebook is now a life coach. They will hide your ex once you change your relationship status to ease the pain of the breakup. This is a band-aid. Why not delete them altogether? What's this hiding and peek-a-boo stuff? This won't stop the drive-bys, calls, and texts that folks engage in. Come on people. When someone chooses to walk away from you, let them walk. Hold them to their decision. You're not tied to their choices. Yes, it hurts, but you can control the intensity of that pain by making a choice to do so. You can get through it. It's 7 billion people in the world, one or two can't power over your emotional sphere. They need to feel appreciated and remember those I love you and goodnight text are so annoying now. Your actions are what we want, stop smiling when your girl post you while you doing nothing to prove your love. Those texts you get at 5 30 in the morning from your girlfriend/boyfriend that just say "hey babe I love you so much and I hope your sleeping well". I love getting those and luckily for me I get them every morning from my baby girl.