Thank You for Your Condolences Quotes and Notes
How to answer condolences messages and prayers? Offering a well written thank you note isn�t possible for everyone in such sad moments. These are the best-written samples of thank you quotes for sympathy and condolences messages you received from your friends over Facebook or texts. When's the last time you took a time to express your thoughts via a written note? How do you feel social media and technology has transformed traditional communication? I send cards just because. I am always looking for the exact one. I love receiving cards and letters. Technology does not relay the same message as a handwritten, stamped, and mailed correspondence. This is what I tell people I meet: If I don't ever invite you to dinner, and then send you a card or a note, you should question the validity of our relationship. I still write notes. I still have a phone book that I can hold in my hand. I save receipts from dinners and write notes on them. I send cards and sign my name.
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Thank you for condolences message |
Thank You for your Condolence Quotes
1- Thank you all for your condolences regarding my grandfather. To those of you that you knew he was a good man. He is no longer in pain.
2- Thank you to everyone who gave their condolences for my aunt, please continue to pray for my cousins and uncle. Heaven gained another angel.
3- Today we lost my aunt. It's a hard time for my family right now and we are thankful for your understanding during this time. Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and condolences! We appreciate it all.
4- This morning, my heart is overflowing with gratitude for the thoughtful condolences and prayers that so many of you took the time to send following my grandmother's passing. It is both comforting and humbling. Thank you so much!
5- Today is the day and this is such a surreal feeling! Thank you again so much for all the heartfelt condolences it really means a lot to us. I would like to apologize again for not responding to everyone it has been an emotional roller coaster ride for us. I promise to get back to everyone when this day is final over. The family Thanks you!
6- Thank you, everyone, else for the warm condolences and prayers for my family, on the passing of my brother. He was a wonderful man, and a great big brother to me. I have had many wise and challenging philosophical discussions with him over the years, which I will sorely miss. He was a man with a great compassionate philosophy of life. Again, thank you all for your love and prayers.
7- Our Hearts are Filled with humility and appreciation for our many good friends and family, who comfort us during our recent sadness, means so much to us, We thank each of you, for the condolences and prayers, We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
8- I want to thank all of you for the words of condolence and your thoughts and prayers for me and my family. It�s been a difficult month for us, especially my dad. It really means a lot to me the outpouring of support I received from everyone. Thanks again and love to all.
9- I would love to take this opportunity to thank you all for being involved in one way or another during the trying moment that the family faced. Thank you so much for your contributions as well as condolence messages that were sent in, as the family, we got nothing to repay for your kindness but we pray that the Almighty God bless you abundantly.
10- Thank you, family and friends, for all of the kind words and condolences for the loss of my first granddaughter. I'm going to miss her dearly. She touched the hearts of so many people and a part of mine is broken. I love her but God loved her more.RIP my beautiful angel.
11- Thank you to everyone for your kind words and condolences. I am sure they have been a comfort to my niece and nephew as well.
12- Thanks for all the prayers and condolences for my family and I. We are grateful for your kind words and prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we heal and move forward. Thank you for your sympathy during our time of loss.
13- Your words of condolences and prayers meant a lot to me. Thank you for them! Getting together yesterday to celebrate my son birthday was a blessing. Family time is the best medicine for the soul. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes for my son.
14- My heartfelt thanks to everyone for your sympathy and consoling words! Your support helped us to cope at this sad time. We all appreciate your support and condolence messages. Thank you.
15- A big thank you to everyone for your heartfelt sympathies and condolences about the loss of my father, it was much appreciated. He will be missed.
How to Thank Friends for Their Condolences Notes?
To my family and close friends who knew my sister's husband, he passed away yesterday and the funeral is today at 1 P.M at Durban. Thank you very much for your condolences at this time. To God, we belong and to god we return.
To all my friends and family, thank you for your kind prayers, condolences, blessing, flowers, and cards. This is a very difficult time for me, and with all of your prayers and blessings, I hope I have the endurance to deal with this one day at a time. Most of you know he was my life and will be greatly missed.
To all our family and friends thank you for your kind words and condolences at the passing of my brother in law. Many of you have been calling and messaging whether or not a service is going to be held. His obituary did not state it but yes, services will be held on Saturday. Please come and join us in love, and support his beloved wife and children in celebrating his life. God bless!
Thanks to all who attended the funeral of our brother and also thanks to you all for your condolence messages? My family and I are indeed very grateful. May God bless you all!
I, would like to thanks, and extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my family members, friends and colleagues for their condolences messages, kindness, support , sympathies ,thoughts and remembering my dearest departed father in their prayers and reaching out to me during our family moment of bereavement.
I would like to take a moment to thank you for all the Birthday Wishes and condolences for the loss of my uncle. On one hand, we celebrated my birthday and on another hand we celebrate the life of my uncle. Both reminded me of the importance of family and friends. Please do not take either for granted.
So this has to be one of the strangest moments of my life. Because I never thought I'd use the phrases thank you all for the condolences and well wishes together. I am very blessed to have so much love and support from friends and family. Thanks everyone for getting me through the last 3 days.
Thank You Quotes for Condolences on Facebook
- Good morning I want to thank all my Facebook family and friends for your prayers, thoughts, and condolences. You took the time to drop a line or two and I appreciate you.
- From the bottom of my heart just want to thank you to everyone for the calls, texts, and messages. Your prayers and condolences have really helped me to have so much peace during this time. And even though it's painful not having him here anymore, I'm glad he's in a better place, in a better body. I'm truly going to miss his beautiful soul.
- Thank you to everyone who reads this, and thanks you to all who have called or messaged myself or my mother over the last day, all of your love means everything to us.
- To my family, friends, Facebook friends, workmates and even strangers, I cannot think of any words to express my heartfelt thanks for the condolence and sympathy you have extended towards me. I am really thankful to you and appreciate your support and love in this my time of loss.
- Thank you all ,for all the prayers and condolences during the sad and heavy heart my family has endured from the loss of our mother ,it's so very comforting to have so many friends ,again Thank you all so much, it's made the healing so much faster.
Thank You All For Your Kind Words and Condolences
- I would just like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your prayers, thoughts, and condolences with regards to the passing of my mom. My brothers and family have been deeply touched by the response. Thank you and God bless you.
- Thank you all for the kind words and condolences. I just got back from visiting family up north. Everyone is doing as well as can be expected. Cherish the family you have. If you're nearby, visit them. If distance separates you, call them. Don't let time push you away from family. You never know when the hourglass is going to run out.
- These are the short sample letters, it will give you an idea what to write in a condolence thank you card. I handwrite thank you notes and I love receiving notes. Technology can be impersonal. It can also be a tool that discourages accountability and transparency. It takes a person who is healthy in mind, body, soul and spirit to know how to use technology as an enhance to their relationship and not a replacement.
- Our family would like to express their thanks to friends and family, for the many cards, letters, flowers and phone messages, we received following the death of our dear dad. It was such a comfort to know he had touched so many lives in his way. Your support helped us to cope at this sad time. We all appreciate these condolence messages more than we can say.
- Many of my friends, colleagues and relatives spoke came and sent condolence messages. I and my family members thank you all for your kind words of consolation. My father was a highly disciplined and systematic man. He used to be absolutely perfect in his routine. But for the last three months, he had been completely on his own. He was a man who had seen everything in life and had a fairly long innings. I once again thank you all for your words of consolation.
- Certainly, all of the kind notes and correspondence that I have received from people have been a great help in accepting the loss. I want to thank my niece for helping me put this response out, her knowing how to send one message to all recipients without letting anyone�s email go out to cyberspace.
Thank You Letters for Condolence Card
Thank you condolence card sample number: 1
Dear family friends,
Thank you to those who have sent to me Facebook messages and text messages about the loss of my good friend. Your messages of concern and condolences mean so much to me. I appreciate them so much. I met him in 1991. We, along with my brother, traveled to racetracks all over the northeast; some of the best memories of my life came out of those adventures. He would write letters to me and keep me up to date on the happenings of our favorite race car driver. And although thousands of miles separated us in more recent years, our friendship continued for several years. He was the most curious person I ever met. We all remember the laugh. I will miss my frequent Sunday afternoon telephone conversations with him so much. Rest in Peace, dear friend, I will miss you so much and again, thanks to all of my Facebook family and friends. I appreciate you and feel very lucky to have all of you in my life.
Thank you condolence card sample number: 2
Thank You for all your condolences, sympathy cards, prayers, phone calls, kind words, food and visits to the chapel to join me and my family in mourning the loss of my mother. She was certainly a great and kind person loved by all, and one of the Best mothers ever. It's going to be so hard and difficult to get over losing her. She was so much part of my life and my family�s lives. She Loved all of us equally, especially her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren. Once again, thank You, I Love you all.
Thank you, condolence notes sample number: 3
As I prepare to turn in for the evening, I am overwhelmed but not by the weight of our loss today. The combination of anticipating this day over the last month, or more, especially, and knowing that he truly is in a much better place, helps to somewhat soothe the emotions of that in this moment. Rather, I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of expressions of condolences, sympathy, and love. Even knowing the number of friends that we have on Facebook, the number of comments, messages, texts, and offers to do anything that we need to be done within the power of those offering, has truly blown me away. Thank you for your prayers, concern and love and for your words of strength and support during this time. I'll post details tomorrow for those who have asked about the service. Until then, thanks for helping us rest in the peace that passes all understanding by your thoughts and prayers conveyed. God Bless!
Thank you condolence short letter sample number: 4
I've been writing thank you cards for the outpouring of sympathy expressions. It's sad how terrible my handwriting has become from lack of use. The handwritten cards I received touched my heart so much; I need to remember that feeling when I may be too quick to just offer a Facebook text. The meals brought over really were appreciated, I'm also going to remember that when someone I know is going through this. Seeing the faces of people I haven't seen in so long really warms my heart on a very difficult day. Again, I'm going to try very hard to show up at these events. Many thanks to all my Facebook friends for their condolences and expressions of sympathy!
Thank you condolence card note sample number: 5
I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who took the time to express sympathy and condolences to me and my family in our time of grief. My brother would have been truly humbled and touched by all of the heart- felt sentiments expressed here on Facebook in the last couple of days. I will probably never live up to some of the examples my brother set, but maybe I might live up to others. One thing I know for sure, my brother never backed down from anything and he protected his family vehemently. He taught us to stick together and the value of honor and hard work. That�s what I�ll take with me, always. Thank you, friends, for the Love and warm regards.
Thank you condolence message sample number: 6
I graciously accept the many supportive comments and condolences from the Facebook community recently. I loved my dear friend, but mostly I pray for this support to be given to her cherished family. She was ever loyal to her best friend and younger sister and could never be without her devoted mother. I pray that all the kind words I've received today from the friend I lost be shared, and redirected to the family treasured above all else. Your support and sympathy have no better destination than upon the emptiness they now hold in their hearts for the sister and the daughter they lost. Thank you, everyone, for recognizing her and honoring her memory.
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